

Ransack Memory

This Gem provides automatic saving your filtered Ransack gem params into Rails session. It also autoloads params from session to your search forms.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ransack_memory'

Run the generator

rails generate ransack_memory

Add this line to your basic controller (typically ApplicationController):

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include RansackMemory::Concern # insert this line

  before_action :authenticate_user! # only if you use Devise gem
  before_action :save_and_load_filters # insert this line after Devise auth before filter (Devise gem is not necessary)

Add this in your views where you have search forms. This is clear button, which deletes ransack memory sessions.

<%= clear_filter %>

You can pass any of link attributes:

<%= clear_filter title: 'Clear Filter', class: 'btn btn-primary', data: {confirm: 'Really?', my_data: 'something'} %>


Running rails generate ransack_memory the console will generate config/initializers/ransack_memory.rb with this content:

RansackMemory::Core.config = {
  param: :q, # this means the default Ransack param name for searching. You can change it
  session_key_format: '%controller_name%_%action_name%_%request_format%' # this means how the key used to store the information to the session will be stored. Currently it interpolates request parameters. You can customize it and use these vars to build a key that fits your needs

Load saved filters from another controller action

In some cases, you want to load saved filters from another controller action. If so, you just create in the same controller this method:

  def set_session_key_identifier
    'projects_index_html' if action_name == 'my_another_action'

this means that Ransack Memory load all filters that have been saved in action projects/index.html and load them into projects/my_another_action. This method must be public, not in private section! Standard session key building is: "#{controller_name}_#{action_name}_#{request.format}" so you can load saved filters in any controller action like that.

Kaminari issue

When you have an issue with Kaminari gem, that you can't go back to the first page, generate a kaminari configuration in the initializers folder and set config.params_on_first_page = true.

As an alternative update your kaminari view in app/views/kaminari/_first_page.html.erb:

<%= link_to_unless current_page.first?, t('views.pagination.first').html_safe, url_for(params.merge({page: 1, cancel_filter: nil})), remote: remote, class: 'btn btn-secondary' %>

However beware that this will probably lead to problems in later Rails versions due to a change in the way it allows you to merge parameters.