





This repository contains the code for our paper LMPT: Prompt Tuning with Class-Specific Embedding Loss for Long-tailed Multi-Label Visual Recognition.[arXiv] [paper]

LMPT explores the feasibility of prompting with text data for long-tailed multi-label visual recognition. We propose a unified framework for LTML, namely prompt tuning with class-specific embedding loss (LMPT), capturing the semantic feature interactions between categories by combining text and image modality data and improving the performance synchronously on both head and tail classes. Specifically, LMPT introduces the embedding loss function with class-aware soft margin and re-weighting to learn class-specific contexts with the benefit of textual descriptions (captions), which could help establish semantic relation ships between classes, especially between the head and tail classes. Notable improvements are observed compared to several visual, zero-shot and prompt tuning methods on two long-tailed multi-label benchmarks. For more details please see the paper.

Created by Peng Xia, Di Xu, ‪Ming Hu‬‬, Lie Ju, and Zongyuan Ge.

alt text



  1. Python 3.8.*
  2. CUDA 11.6
  3. PyTorch
  4. TorchVision


Create a virtual environment and activate it.

conda create -n lmpt python=3.8
conda activate lmpt

The code has been tested with PyTorch 1.13 and CUDA 11.6.

pip install -r requirements.txt


To evaluate/train our LMPT network, you will need to download the required datasets. Image paths, labels and captions of each dataset can be found here.

├── data
    ├── coco
        ├── train2017
            ├── 0000001.jpg
        ├── val2017
            ├── 0000002.jpg
        ├── coco_lt_train.txt
        ├── coco_lt_val.txt
        ├── coco_lt_test.txt
        ├── coco_lt_captions.txt
        ├── class_freq.pkl
    ├── voc
        ├── VOCdevkit
            ├── VOC2007
                ├── Annotations
                ├── ImageSets
                ├── JPEGImages
                    ├── 0000001.jpg
                ├── SegementationClass
                ├── SegementationObject
            ├── VOC2012
                ├── Annotations
                ├── ImageSets
                ├── JPEGImages
                    ├── 0000002.jpg
                ├── SegementationClass
                ├── SegementationObject
        ├── voc_lt_train.txt
        ├── voc_lt_val.txt
        ├── voc_lt_test.txt
        ├── voc_lt_captions.txt
        ├── class_freq.pkl



CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python lmpt/train.py \
--dataset 'voc-lt' \
--seed '0' \
--pretrain_clip 'ViT16' \
--batch_size 64 \
--epochs 50 \
--class_token_position 'end' \
--ctx_init '' \
--n_ctx 16 \
--m_ctx 2 \
--training_method 'lmpt' \
--lr 5e-4 \
--loss_function dbl \
--cseloss softmargin \
--optimizer sgd \
--neg_scale 2.0 \
--gamma 0.2 \
--lam 0.5


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python lmpt/test.py \
--dataset 'voc-lt' \
--seed '0' \
--pretrain_clip 'ViT16' \
--batch_size 64 \
--class_token_position 'end' \
--ctx_init 'a photo of a' \
--training_method 'lmpt' \
--thre 0.3

Zero-Shot CLIP

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python zero_shot_clip/test.py \
--dataset 'VOC' \
--nb_classes 20 \
--seed '0' \
--pretrain_clip_path '../pretrained/RN50.pt' \
--dataset 'COCO'
--batch_size 64 \

Fine-Tuning CLIP

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python finetune_clip/fc.py \
--dataset 'voc-lt' \
--nb_classes 20 \
--seed '0' \
--batch_size 4 \
--pretrain_clip_path '../pretrained/ViT-B-16.pt' \
--dataset 'voc-lt'
--batch_size 100 \
#--from scratch


We use code from CoOp and CLIP. We thank the authors for releasing their code.


If you have any questions, please create an issue on this repository or contact at richard.peng.xia@gmail.com or julie334600@gmail.com.


If you find this code useful, please consider to cite our work.

  title = {LMPT: Prompt Tuning with Class-Specific Embedding Loss for Long-Tailed Multi-Label Visual Recognition},
  author= {Xia, Peng and Xu, Di and Hu, Ming and Ju, Lie and Ge, Zongyuan},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research (ALVR)},