

ZSH theme "Cafe con Bits"

Welcome to my personal ZSH theme "Cafe con Bits": it's simple, clear and has a coffee cup ☕.

Exemple ot a terminal

Inspired by robbyrussell theme.

How to install

It works on Oh My Zsh: https://ohmyz.sh/

If you didn't installed, go to that web and install it before continue.

Once it is installed, you can find all the themes in ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/.

First, copy de file cafeconbits.zsh-theme to that path. Open the terminal and go to this project's directory:

$ cp cafeconbits.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/

Second and last, open the ~/.zshrc configuration file, and change the variable ZSH_THEME:

# ZSH_THEME="robbyrussell"

Now, open a new terminal and enjoy it! ☕