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Dactyl Web Configurator

A web configurator for the Dactyl mechanical keyboard. It's based upon the wonderful work of @ibnuda's web configurator, which organizes the configuration options in various commuity edits to a single JSON structure.

The site uses ClojureScript and WebAssembly to run all computation in the browser. This means I don't have to pay for expensive servers to render everyone's cad models!

Screenshot of website

The new developments of this work are:

Building and running

You'll first need to install Node.js dependencies with npm install. ClojureScript and protobuf files can then be built with the Makefile. After you've installed a Java runtime (for compiling ClojureScript) and the protobuf compiler (it's installed by npm install), run make to compile the files.

They compiled files are placed in the target directory. To build the website, run npm run dev.

Useful Resources

What are all these files?