

Secondary Structure-Guided Novel Protein Sequence Generation with Latent Graph Diffusion

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🚀 Introduction (CPDiffusion-SS)

CPDiffusion-SS is composed of three primary components: a sequence encoder, a latent diffusion generator, and an autoregressive decoder.

The sequence encoder embeds AA sequences into a latent space of secondary structure-level (SS-level) representations, while the decoder maps the generated SS-level latent representation back to the AA space. The central module is a latent graph diffusion model that generates diverse SS-level hidden representations within the established latent space. <img src="img/architecture_main.png" alt="Logo">

📑 Results

Paper Results

we compare CPDiffusion-SS with both sequence and structure-based baseline methods on 10 evaluation metrics concerning the diversity, novelty, and consistency of the generated sequences. CPDiffusion0SS outperforms baseline methods on 9 out of the 10 metrics, except for the TM_new.

Case Study

Predicted 3D structures and composition of secondary structures on three cases from the test dataset. Here we use red, yellow, and blue colors to represent helices (H), sheets (E), and coils (C), respectively. <img src="img/cas study.jpg" alt="Logo">

🛫 Requirement

Conda Enviroment

Please make sure you have installed Anaconda3 or Miniconda3.

step1: download ESM2

  1. Manually download the ESM2 model from https://huggingface.co/facebook/esm2_t33_650M_UR50D.
  2. Save the downloaded model file to the directory CPDiffusion-SS/models/esm2_t33_650_UR50D/.

step2: install package

  1. install dssp-2.2.1
conda install -c ostrokach dssp
  1. install biopython, torch_geometric
pip install biopython
pip install torch_geometric==2.4.0
  1. install other packages required

🧬 Start with CPDiffusion-SS

Data Process

1. Prepare your dataset

you will need a dataset in pdb format

2. split dataset

split the dataset and put the pdb files to "data/data_split_name/pdb"

3. data process

python dataset_pipeline.py --dataset CATH43_S40_SPLIT_TRAIN_VAL


Step1: Train Encoder-Decoder

python train_encoder_decoder.py --batch_size 10 --wandb --dataset AFDB --val_num 360000 --encoder_type AttentionPooling --patience 4 --wandb_run_name decoder_ESM2_AFDB_AttentionPooling_train  --model_name decoder_ESM2_AFDB_AttentionPooling.pt


  1. --decoder_ckpt (Optional): Train from Encoder-Decoder checkpoint.
  2. --model_name: Encoder-Decoder checkpoint will be saved as results/decoder/ckpt/date/model_name

Step2: Train Diffusion

python train_diff.py --wandb --wandb_run_name diffusion_CATH43S40_SPLIT --dataset CATH43_S40_SPLIT_TRAIN_VAL --decoder_ckpt './results/decoder/ckpt/20240227/decoder_ESM2_AFDB_AttentionPooling.pt' --diff_batch_size 100


  1. --wandb (Optional): delete this parameter to turn off wandb(https://wandb.ai/)
  2. --wandb_run_name: run name in wandb & diffusion model saved as results/diffusion/weight/date/wandb_run_name.pt
  3. --decoder_ckpt: check point of Encoder-Decoder

🔬 Benchmark


Metric NametypeDetailed information
TM_newDiversityaverage pairwise TM-scores of all generated sequences
RMSDDiversityaverage pairwise RMSD of all generated sequences
Seq. IDDiversityaverage pairwise sequence identities of all generated sequences
TM_wtNoveltyaverage TM-score between the generated protein and the most similar protein in training set
IDConsistencyaverage identities in secondary structure sequences between top10 generated proteins and the target
ID_maxConsistencyhighest identities in secondary structure sequences between generated proteins and the target
MSEConsistencyaverage MSE in secondary structure compositions between generated proteins and the target



pip install fair-esm

see README.md in "./baselines" for more details

ProstT5 & ProteinMPNN

  1. download source code and checkpoint files from official repositories

    ProstT5: https://github.com/mheinzinger/ProstT5

    ProteinMPNN: https://github.com/dauparas/ProteinMPNN

  2. unzip source code to directory "baselines/"


Environment Setup

 conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda mmseqs2 -y
 conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda foldseek -y
 conda install -c schrodinger tmalign -y
 conda install -c conda-forge pymol-open-source -y

Weights Download

Download checkpoints from huggingface repository

huggingface-cli download --resume-download riacd/CPDiffusion-SS

Move decoder model weights to directory "results/decoder/ckpt/"

Move diffusion model weights to directory "results/diffusion/weight/"


python metrics.py

🙌 Citation

Please cite our work if you have used our code or data.

  title={Secondary Structure-Guided Novel Protein Sequence Generation with Latent Graph Diffusion},
  author={Yutong Hu, Yang Tan, Andi Han, Lirong Zheng, Liang Hong, Bingxin Zhou},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.07443},