

neovim-client Build Status codecov npm

Currently tested for node >= 6


Install node-host using your vim plugin manager. Then install the neovim package globally using npm.

npm install -g neovim


This package exports a single attach() function which takes a pair of write/read streams and invokes a callback with a Nvim API object.


const cp = require('child_process');
const attach = require('neovim').attach;

const nvim_proc = cp.spawn('nvim', ['-u', 'NONE', '-N', '--embed'], {});

// Attach to neovim process
(async function() {
  const nvim = await attach({ proc: nvim_proc });
  const windows = await nvim.windows;

  // expect(windows.length).toEqual(4);
  // expect(windows[0] instanceof nvim.Window).toEqual(true);
  // expect(windows[1] instanceof nvim.Window).toEqual(true);

  nvim.window = windows[2];
  const win = await nvim.window;

  // expect(win).not.toEqual(windows[0]);
  // expect(win).toEqual(windows[2]);

  const buf = await nvim.buffer;
  // expect(buf instanceof nvim.Buffer).toEqual(true);

  const lines = await buf.lines;
  // expect(lines).toEqual(['']);

  await buf.replace(['line1', 'line2'], 0);
  const newLines = await buf.lines;
  // expect(newLines).toEqual(['line1', 'line2']);


Writing a Plugin

A plugin can either be a file or folder in the rplugin/node directory. If the plugin is a folder, the main script from package.json will be loaded.

API (Work In Progress)

If you are a plugin developer, I'd love to hear your feedback on the plugin API.

The neovim package exports a few decorators, which means currently there's a dependency on babel. The plugin host creates an instance of the plugin and creates a mapping of the handling method.

console has been replaced by a winston interface and console.log will call winston.info.

import { Plugin, Function, AutoCommand, Command } from 'neovim';

// If `Plugin` decorator can be called with options
@Plugin({ dev: true })
export default class TestPlugin {
  /** nvim is set via host so below is unnecessary **/
  constructor(nvim) {
    this.nvim = nvim;

  @Function('Vsplit', { sync: true })
  splitMe(args, done) {

  async longCommand(args) {
    console.log('Output will be routed to $NVIM_NODE_LOG_FILE');
    const bufferName = await this.nvim.buffer.name;
    return bufferName;

  promiseExample() {
    return this.nvim.buffer.name.then((name) => {
      console.log(`Current buffer name is ${name}`);

Debugging / troubleshooting

Here are a few env vars you can set while starting neovim, that can help debugging and configuring logging:


Will spawn the node process that calls neovim-client-host with --inspect-brk so you can have a debugger. Pair that with this Node Inspector Manager Chrome plugin


Logging is done using winston through the logger module. Plugins have console replaced with this interface.


Sets the logging level for winston. Default is info, available levels are { error: 0, warn: 1, info: 2, verbose: 3, debug: 4, silly: 5 }


Sets the log file path

Usage through node REPL


First, start Nvim with a known address (or use the $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS of a running instance):

$ NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=/tmp/nvim nvim In another terminal, connect a node REPL to Nvim

let nvim;
// `scripts/nvim` will detect if `NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS` is set and use that unix socket
// Otherwise will create an embedded `nvim` instance
require('neovim/scripts/nvim').then((n) => nvim = n);


The tests and scripts can be consulted for more examples.
