


Dockerfile based SGDK toolchain.

The Dockerfile is based on this m68k-elf toolchain and it includes newlib (even though SGDK does not require it). All the tools in the image (including GCC) are Linux native and replace the Windows versions bundled with upstream SGDK. Included GCC version is 6.3, that has been found to generate better code for m68k targets than newer versions.

The repository contains a GitLab CI/CD script that automatically builds the docker images on new tags, and pushes them to the GitLab registry, so you do not need to build the image yourself, you can just pull it from the GitLab registry. You can browse the readily available images here.

The Dockerfile supports generating docker images with and without MegaWiFi support and also if bank switching should be enabled.

The entry point directly runs make -f $GDK/makefile.gen. Thus if you run the container mapping the directory of an SGDK project to /m68k, the container will directly try building it.

Other Changes

This fork of doragasu's original repo patches SGDK to fix a number of issues with using the SGDK headers with projects which need to cross-compile for the Mega Drive but also Intel/ARM (to run unit tests for example).

  1. Fixes va_list type declaration (fix_va_list_type.patch)


Building an SGDK project

To build your SGDK project, from the project directory run:

$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/m68k -t ghcr.io/rhargreaves/docker-sgdk:v2.00

You can replace v2.00 with the version tag you want. The first time you run the command, Docker should fetch the container from the registry and run it.

You can pass additional make arguments. E.g. to clean the project run:

$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/m68k -t ghcr.io/rhargreaves/docker-sgdk:v2.00 clean

If you prefer staying inside the docker container, you can get an interactive shell by setting the -i (interactive) flag and overriding the entry point:

$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/m68k --entrypoint=/bin/bash -it ghcr.io/rhargreaves/docker-sgdk:v2.00

You do not want to type these long commands above, so it is recommended to use a script to launch them for you.

Note that this Docker container runs as unprivileged m68k user, and home is set to /m68k.