Extract Important Data From Cisco Wireless Controllers
This Script extracts each AP name, AP mac address, DHCP or Static IP address, AP group each AP assigned to, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary controller each AP is assciated with, Switch and Switch Interface each AP connected to.
The example output below is for one AP. This script will print this information for all AP's connected to a particular controller:
[VW01-1400', 'MAC', 'e4:bb:ff:d7:bf:8c', 'DHCP', '', 'AP GROUP', 'APG-RTP-Base', 'PRIMARY', 'WLC03', 'SECONDARY', 'WLC01', 'TERTIARY', 'WLC02', 'CONNECTED TO', 'cisco-switch-b77', 'GigabitEthernet3/35']