


A Go port of the python script by John Anderson that brings a little festive cheer to your terminal. View it in action here:

Rainbow ascii tree with snowfall


Download Count Shield



Already an arkade user? Update and download the CLI using:

arkade update
arkade get snowmachine

Linux / MacOs

curl -sLS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rgee0/snowmachine/main/get.sh | sudo sh

Getting Started

You can make it snow:

$ snowmachine snow

or using the alias `sm`

$ sm snow

Example of snow command

or render a tree:

$ snowmachine tree

Example of tree command

You can also tell it to stack the snow if you prefer.

$ snowmachine snow -stack

Example of snow stack command

If you don't like the unicode particles you can tell it to use asterisk or some other character. If you use cmd.exe for example, this will be required.

$ snowmachine snow -stack -particle="*"

Example of snow particle command

You can also change the particle colors if you would like:

$ snowmachine snow -color=rainbow

Example of rainbow snow command

Full list of available flags

snow command

$ snowmachine snow -help
Usage of snow:
  -colour string
    	Change the colour of the particles. [red|green|blue|magenta|cyan|yellow] (default "white")
  -particle string
    	Change the particle used.
  -speed int
    	Increase to make it snow faster. (default 14)
    	Set snow to pile up.

tree command

$ snowmachine tree -help
Usage of tree:
  -colour string
    	Change the colour of the snow particles. [red|green|blue|magenta|cyan|yellow] (default "green")
  -light-delay int
    	Seconds between light changes (default 1)
  -light-colour string
    	Change the color of the lights. [red|green|blue|magenta|cyan|yellow] (default "rainbow")
  -particle string
    	Change the particle used for the tree. (default "*")
    	Whether snow should fall. (default true)
  -snow-colour string
    	Change the colour of the snow particles. [red|green|blue|magenta|cyan|yellow] (default "white")
  -snow-particle string
    	Change the snow particle used.
  -snow-speed int
    	Increase to make it snow faster. (default 14)