

 m-cli

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<br> <br>

:boom: Swiss Army Knife for macOS !

Overview</br> Install</br> Uninstall</br> How To Use</br> All Commands</br> Contributing</br>


m-cli is a macOS command line tool that lets you interact with utilities and applications entirely in Terminal. It differs from other macOS command line tools in the following ways:


You can install m-cli using Homebrew, or you can manually install it.

Homebrew install

If you have Homebrew installed, run:

brew install m-cli

Manual install

If you want to manually install m-cli, run:

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rgcr/m-cli/master/install.sh | sudo sh

You can also install it to a different path, shown below:

INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/.m-cli sh <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rgcr/m-cli/master/install.sh)

Note: Certain plugins, such as that for the "gatekeeper" command, will not work if m-cli is installed with standard user privilege. Certain plugins, such as that for the "trash" command, will not work until and unless your terminal emulator is granted Full Disk Access (look under "Security & Privacy" in System Preferences).


To uninstall m-cli from your system, run:

m --uninstall

How To Use

m-cli commands are executed using the following steps:

1. Run mto display all of the commands (utilities) available in m-cli.

2. Run m <command> to display the options available for this command.

3. Run m <command> <option> to execute an option for this command.

A diagram of this structure is shown below:

|     |___status
|     |___play
|     |___pause
|     |
|     ...

For example, running m itunes will display the options available for iTunes, as shown below:

    usage: m itunes [ status | play | pause | next | prev | mute | unmute | vol up | vol down | vol #| stop | quit | help ]

      m itunes status       # Show status
      m itunes play         # Play track
      m itunes pause        # Pause track
      m itunes next         # Play next track
      m itunes prev         # Play previous track
      m itunes mute         # Mute iTunes
      m itunes unmute       # Unmute iTunes
      m itunes vol up       # Volume Up
      m itunes vol down     # Volume Down
      m itunes vol #        # Set volume level
      m itunes stop         # Stop track
      m itunes quit         # Quit iTunes

In this example, running m itunes play will play the current selected track in your iTunes music library.

All Commands

m-cli currently supports the following commands:

help</br> airdrop</br> appearance</br> audio</br> battery</br> bluetooth</br> dir</br> disk</br> display</br> dns</br> dock</br> fan</br> finder</br> firewall</br> flightmode</br> gatekeeper</br> group</br> hostname</br> info</br> itunes</br> localhost</br> lock</br> network</br> nosleep</br> notification</br> ntp</br> printer</br> restart</br> safeboot</br> screensaver</br> service</br> shutdown</br> sleep</br> timezone</br> touchbar</br> trash</br> usb</br> update</br> user</br> volume</br> vpn</br> wallpaper</br> wifi</br>


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :metal:




guarinogabriel/Mac-CLI was a great source of inspiration.

MIT License © Rogelio Cedillo