


Tuptime reports the historical and statistical real time of the system, preserving it between restarts. Like uptime command, but with more interesting output.

Sample output

Just after install:

System startups:        1  since  21:54:09 24/09/15
System shutdowns:       0 ok  +  0 bad
System life:            21m 30s

Longest uptime:         21m 30s  from  21:54:09 24/09/15
Average uptime:         21m 30s
System uptime:          100.0%  =  21m 30s

Longest downtime:	0s
Average downtime:       0s
System downtime:        0.0%  =  0s

Current uptime:         21m 30s  since  21:54:09 24/09/15

A few days later:

System startups:        110  since  10:15:27 08/08/15
System shutdowns:       107 ok  +  2 bad
System life:            47d 12h 2m 15s

Longest uptime:         2h 10m 44s  from  20:49:17 09/08/15
Average uptime:         25m 8s
System uptime:          4.04%  =  1d 22h 4m 44s

Longest downtime:	7d 10h 17m 26s  from  06:09:45 10/08/15
Average downtime:       9h 56m 42s
System downtime:        95.96%  =  45d 13h 57m 30s

Current uptime:         23m 33s  since  21:54:09 24/09/15

Swich to -t | --table option:

No.        Startup T.        Uptime         Shutdown T.   End    Downtime
1   10:15:27 08/08/15           42s   10:16:09 08/08/15    OK         16s
2   10:16:26 08/08/15           49s   10:17:15 08/08/15    OK         16s
3   10:17:32 08/08/15        5m 47s   10:23:19 08/08/15    OK         16s
4   10:23:36 08/08/15            9s   10:23:45 08/08/15   BAD         42s
5   10:24:28 08/08/15     2h 9m 27s   12:33:55 08/08/15    OK     41m 44s
    . . .

Or swich to -l | --list option:

Startup:  1  at  10:15:27 08/08/15
Uptime:   42s
Shutdown: OK  at  10:16:09 08/08/15
Downtime: 16s

Startup:  2  at  10:16:26 08/08/15
Uptime:   49s
Shutdown: OK  at  10:17:15 08/08/15
Downtime: 16s

Startup:  3  at  10:17:32 08/08/15
Uptime:   5m 47s
Shutdown: OK  at  10:23:19 08/08/15
Downtime: 16s
. . .

Basic Installation

By package manager

By one-liner script

bash < <(curl -Ls https://git.io/tuptime-install.sh)

By manual method

Briefly in a Linux or FreeBSD system...

Clone the repo:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/rfmoz/tuptime.git

Copy the 'tuptime' file located under 'latest/' directory to '/usr/bin/' and make it executable:

cp tuptime/src/tuptime /usr/bin/tuptime
chmod ugo+x /usr/bin/tuptime

Assure that the system pass the prerequisites:

python 3.X 

Run first with a privileged user:


Pick from 'src/' folder the right file for your cron and init manager, setup both properly. See 'tuptime-manual.txt' for more information.

Highlights about Tuptime internals


journalctl --list-boots - Show a tabular list of boot numbers (relative to the current boot), their IDs, and the timestamps of the first and last message pertaining to the boot. Close output than 'tuptime -bit'. https://github.com/systemd/systemd/

uptimed - Is an uptime record daemon keeping track of the highest uptimes a computer system ever had. It uses the system boot time to keep sessions apart from each other. https://github.com/rpodgorny/uptimed

downtimed - Is a program for monitoring operating system downtime, uptime, shutdowns and crashes and for keeping record of such events. https://dist.epipe.com/downtimed/

lastwake - Analyzes the system journal and prints out wake-up and sleep timestamps; for each cycle it tells whether the system was suspended to RAM or to disk (hibernated). https://github.com/arigit/lastwake.py

(bonus) dateutils - Not an alternative, but it is a nifty collection of tools to work with dates. https://github.com/hroptatyr/dateutils

ruptime - Is a modern rwhod replacement that is easy to customize, not limited to a network, and does not send clear text data over the network. https://github.com/alexmyczko/ruptime

More information

Please, read tuptime-manual.txt for a complete reference guide.