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Revery Quick Start

This is a minimal Revery application to get you started.


See the requirements for building Revery

Getting started

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/revery-ui/revery-quick-start

# Go into the repository
cd revery-quick-start

# Install dependencies
esy install

# Build dependencies
esy build

NOTE: The first build will take a while - building the OCaml compiler and dependencies takes time! Subsequent builds, though, should be very fast.

Once built, the application binary will be in the _build/install/default/bin - you can run it like:

or using esy with the script specified in package.json:

What are all these files?

The most important files are:

A Revery application also needs the following files:


To create packages for distribution, follow these steps:

From the revery-quick-start folder, run:

Once complete, there will be application packages available in the _release folder.


Next steps

Here's a few challenges to see if you've got the basics:


MIT License