

Better BibTeX for Zotero

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Better BibTeX (BBT) is an extension for Zotero and Juris-M that makes it easier to manage bibliographic data, especially for people authoring documents using text-based toolchains (e.g. based on LaTeX / Markdown).

Zotero 7 support

Better BibTeX is mostly compatible with the Zotero 7 beta; I am awaiting a change by the Zotero team to get to complete support. You can find the status of Zotero 7 support in the first post of #2522; if you find new problems (which are not still marked as unresolved in that top post), please report them as new issues, not by commenting on #2522.

Juris-M support

Juris-M is unfortunately not compatible with BBT at the moment. To my understanding, work is underway to get a Zotero-7-based Juris-M, and then BBT will work in Juris-M.


Facilities for generating citation keys

Conversion between formats and encodings

Facilities for exporting data from Zotero

Getting started

To get started, read the installation instructions.

How does it work ?

At its core, BBT behaves like any Zotero import/export module; anywhere you can export or import bibliography items in Zotero, you'll find Better X listed among the choices.

If nothing else, you could keep your existing workflow as-is, and just enjoy the improved LaTeX ↔ unicode translation on import and export and more accurate field mapping.

Better BibTeX works from BibTeXing and Tame the BeaST for BibTeX, and The Biblatex Package for BibLaTeX, but since there isn't really a definitive manual for either format that is universally followed by Bib(La)TeX editors/processors, I'm pragmatic about implementing what works.

Got problems? We got fixes!

If you have any questions on BBT's use, do not hesitate to file a GitHub issue and ask for help.

If you're reporting a bug in BBT, please take a moment to glance through the support request guidelines; it will make sure I get your problem fixed as quick as possible. Clear bug reports commonly have really short time-to-fix, so if you report something, stick around -- it may be done as you wait.

The support request guidelines are very detailed, perhaps to the point of being off-putting, but please do not fret; these guidelines simply express my ideal bug submission. I of course prefer very clearly documented issue reports over fuzzy ones, but I prefer fuzzy ones over missed ones.

Sponsoring BBT

While the development needs of BBT are to a large extent covered by the generosity towards open-source developers of services such as github, my development system does require the occasional upgrade; also, I enjoy getting the occasional frivolous tech-toy that I wouldn't otherwise grant myself. While you should feel in no way obligated to pay for BBT, anything you can spare is very much appreciated. If you'd rather contribute a little bit each month (and a little means a lot) so I can save up for a replacement a year or so down the line, head on over to Patreon, but mind that Patreon takes a fairly large cut of what you give.

Many, many thanks, also to the existing contributors -- thanks to you I've hit my first target and have been able to replace my trusty macbook air with a newer macbook pro which has much more breathing room.

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