

RestSharp - Simple .NET REST Client

RestSharp is a lightweight HTTP API client library. It's a wrapper around HttpClient, not a full-fledged client on its own.

What RestSharp adds to HttpClient:

Compatibility note

RestSharp 107 was a major release that brings a lot of changes. We've removed a lot of legacy code and added new features. Finally, RestSharp has moved to HttpClient. We also deprecated the following:

Most of the client and some of the request options are now in RestClientOptions.

Check v107+ docs for more information.


PackageWhat it's for
RestSharpThe core library, including System.Text.Json serializer and basical XML serializer
RestSharp.Serializers.NewtonsoftJsonUse Newtonsoft.Json as a JSON serializer
RestSharp.Serializers.XmlUse custom RestSharp XML serializer for XML
RestSharp.Serializers.CsvHelperUse CsvHelper as a CSV serializer

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct.

Users violated the aforementioned code of conduct will be blocked.


RestSharp is an open-source project with a single maintainer. Do not expect your issue to be resolved unless it concerns a large group of RestSharp users. The best way to resolve your issue is to fix it yourself. Fork the repository and submit a pull request. You can also motivate the maintainer by sponsoring this project.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on the process for reporting issues and submitting pull requests.

Get help

Read the docs: Official Site

Ask a question on StackOverflow with the tag restsharp.

Join RestSharp Discord server: Discord

Find RestSharp on Twitter: @RestSharp


.NET Foundation

This project is a part of the .NET Foundation.

Code Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. <img src="https://opencollective.com/RestSharp/contributors.svg?width=890&button=false">

Financial Contributors

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Apache License 2.0