

Specular CI

Specular is a library for building Web-based UIs in PureScript, based on Functional Reactive Programming (FRP).

The API and DOM interaction is heavily inspired by Reflex and Reflex-DOM. The FRP implementation is based on Incremental (although the algorithm differs in some important ways).


FRP types

To use Specular effectively, you need to be familliar with some basic types.


Dynamic a represents a read-only reference to a changing value of type a.

-- | Read the current value of a `Dynamic`.
readDynamic :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => Dynamic a -> m a

-- | Execute the given action for the current value, and each new value when it changes.
subscribeDyn_ :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => MonadCleanup m => (a -> Effect Unit) -> Dynamic a -> m a

Dynamic is a Monad.

-- `pure` creates a Dynamic that never changes.
pure "foo" :: Dynamic String

-- An applicative combination of Dynamics changes whenever one of them changes.
d1 :: Dynamic Int
d2 :: Dynamic Int
(+) <$> d1 <*> d2 :: Dynamic Int

-- Using the power of Monad we can choose which Dynamic to observe.
which :: Dynamic Bool
(which >>= if _ then d1 else d2) :: Dynamic Int

We can introduce new root Dynamics using newDynamic. Root Dynamics are read-write and will be replaced by Refs in the future, since they are almost the same.

-- | Construct a new root Dynamic that can be changed from `Effect`-land.
newDynamic :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => a -> m { dynamic :: Dynamic a, read :: Effect a, set :: a -> Effect Unit, modify :: (a -> a) -> Effect Unit }


Event a represents a source of occurences. Each occurence carries a value of type a.

Event is a Functor.

We can construct a trivial event never :: forall a. Event a, which never occurs.

Events can be combined:

-- | An Event that occurs when any of the events occur. If some of them occur simultaneously, the occurence value is that of the leftmost one.
leftmost :: forall a. Array (Event a) -> Event a

Events can be transformed:

-- | Retain only the occurences of the event for which the given predicate function returns `true`.
filterEvent :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Event a -> Event a

-- | Map the given function over an Event, and retain only the occurences for which it returned a Just value.
filterMapEvent :: forall a b. (a -> Maybe b) -> Event a -> Event b

-- | Retain only the occurences of the Event which contain a Just value.
filterJustEvent :: forall a. Event (Maybe a) -> Event a

We can observe Events by being notified of their occurences.

-- | Execute the given action for each occurence of the Event.
subscribeEvent_ :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => MonadCleanup m => (a -> Effect Unit) -> Event a -> m a


Ref a represents a read-write reference to a mutable observable variable.

We can think of a Ref as of Effect.Ref, but with additional functions:

Ref a consists of:

As a shortcut we have Ref.write :: Ref a -> a -> Effect Unit to replace the value completely, and a Ref.read :: forall a. => Ref a -> Effect a to read the current value of a Ref.

Creating a Ref:

Ref.new :: forall a. a -> Effect (Ref a)

Ref is not a Functor, because it's read-write. It's Invariant, that is, it can be mapped over using a bijection.

This API will also likely change in the future, so that our interface resembles a standard Ref

Building DOM content


Widget a is a computation which can perform Effects, produce DOM nodes, subscribe to Events and Dynamics and returns a value of type a.

Widgets can be executed using runMainWidgetInBody - their contents will be inserted into the document.body element.


Prop is a modifier attached to a DOM element. Specific ways to construct a Prop are presented below.


Attrs is a map of HTML attributes.

-- A singleton map can be constructed using the `:=` operator.
"type":="button" :: Attrs

-- Attrs can be combined using the Monoid instance.
"type":="button" <> "name":="btn" :: Attrs

Static DOM

import Specular.Dom.Element

-- | Produce a text node.
text :: String -> Widget Unit

-- | `el tag props body` - Produce a DOM Element.
-- |
-- | The elements produced by the `body` widget will be inserted as children of the element.
el :: forall a. TagName -> Array Prop -> Widget a -> Widget a

-- | `el tag props body` - Produce a DOM Element with no props.
el_ :: forall a. TagName -> Widget a -> Widget a

-- | Attach static attributes to the element.
attrs :: Attrs -> Prop

-- | Attach a static attribute to the element.
attr :: AttrName -> AttrValue -> Prop

-- | Attach CSS classes to the element
classes :: [ClassName] -> Prop

-- | Attach a CSS class to the element
class_ :: ClassName -> Prop

For example, to produce the following HTML:

<div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">
  <strong>Holy guacamole!</strong> You should check in on some of those fields below.
  <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
    <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>

One would write the following Specular code:

el "div" [classes ["alert", "alert-warning", "alert-dismissible", "fade", "show"], attr "role" "alert"] do
  el_ "strong" $ text "Holy guacamole!"
  text " You should check in on some of those fields below."
  el "button" [class_ "close", attrs ("type":="button" <> "data-dismiss":="alert" <> "aria-label":="Close")] do
    el "span" [attr "aria-hidden"  "true"] do
      text "×"

Dynamic text, attributes and classes

Most of the Prop constructors have their dynamic counterparts. As a convention, their names end in D. For example:

-- | Attach dynamic attributes to the element.
attrsD :: Dynamic Attrs -> Prop

-- | Attach dynamic CSS classes to the element
classesD :: Dynamic [ClassName] -> Prop

text also has a dynamic counterpart:

-- | Create a text node whose text will reflect the value of the given Dynamic.
dynText :: Dynamic String -> Widget Unit

For convenience, utilities for common cases are provided such as:

attrWhenD :: Dynamic Boolean -> AttrName -> AttrValue -> Prop
classWhenD :: Dynamic Boolean -> ClassName -> Prop

For example: assume you have name :: Dynamic String. The code:

let isLong nm = String.length nm >= 5
el "div" [class_ "name", classWhenD (isLong <$> name) "long"] do
  text "Your name is: "
  dynText name

when name has value "Jan", would produce

<div class="name">Your name is Jan</div>

whereas when name has value "Titelitury", would produce

<div class="name long">Your name is Titelitury</div>

Dynamic DOM structure

Sometimes changing text and attributes is not enough. For that there's withDynamic_:

withDynamic_ :: forall a. Dynamic a -> (a -> Widget Unit) -> Widget Unit

Whenever the Dynamic changes, it will re-render a new Widget based on the latest value.


-- Assume loading :: Dynamic Boolean

withDynamic_ loading $
  if _ then
    el "div" [class_ "loading"] $ text "Loading..."
    el_ "div" do
      el_ "h1" $ text "Content"
      el_ "p" $ text "Bla bla bla"

Warning: Re-rendering a whole DOM block on each change has performance implications. Use with care.

Handling events

-- | Connect a DOM event on the node to a callback.
on :: EventType -> (DOM.Event -> Effect Unit) -> Prop

-- | Shorthand: `on "click"`
onClick :: (DOM.Event -> Effect Unit) -> Prop

-- | Like `onClick`, but takes a callback which ignores the DOM event.
onClick_ :: Effect Unit -> Prop


-- Assume save :: Effect Unit

el "button" [attr "type" "button", onClick_ save] do
  text "Save"

For inputs, we have predefined props that make change and input events handling easier (available in Specular.Dom.Element)

-- * Input value
-- | Attach dynamically-changing `value` property to an input element.
-- | The value can still be changed by user interaction.
-- |
-- | Only works on `<input>` and `<select>` elements.
valueD :: Dynamic String -> Prop

-- | Set up a two-way binding between the `value` of an `<input>` element,
-- | and the given `Ref`.
-- |
-- | The `Ref` will be updated on `change` event, i.e. at the end of user interaction, not on every keystroke.
-- |
-- | Only works on input elements.
bindValueOnChange :: Ref String -> Prop

-- | Attach dynamically-changing `checked` property to an input element.
-- | The value can still be changed by user interaction.
-- |
-- | Only works on input `type="checkbox"` and `type="radio"` elements.
checkedD :: Dynamic Boolean -> Prop

-- | Set up a two-way binding between the `checked` of an `<input>` element,
-- | and the given `Ref`.
-- |
-- | Only works on input `type="checkbox"` and `type="radio"` elements.
bindChecked :: Ref Boolean -> Prop


import Prelude
import Specular.Ref (Ref, newRef)
import Specular.Dom.Browser ((:=))

import Specular.Dom.Element (el, attr, bindValueOnChange)
import Specular.Dom.Widget (emptyWidget)

let description :: Ref String = newRef ""

el "input" [attr "type" "text", bindValueOnChange description] emptyWidget

A Counter example

module Main where

import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)

import Specular.Dom.Element (attr, class_,  el,  onClick_, text, dynText)
import Specular.Dom.Widget (runMainWidgetInBody)
import Specular.Ref (Ref)
import Specular.Ref as Ref

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  -- | Will append widget to the body
  runMainWidgetInBody do
    counter :: Ref Int <- Ref.new 0

    -- | Subtract 1 from counter value
    let subtractCb = (Ref.modify counter) (add (negate 1))

    -- | Add 1 to counter value
    let addCb =  (Ref.modify counter) (add 1)

    el "button" [class_ "btn", attr "type" "button", onClick_ addCb ] do
      text "+"

    dynText $ show <$> Ref.value counter

    el "button" [class_ "btn", attr "type" "button", onClick_ subtractCb ] do
      text "-"
<p class="callout warning">Warning: examples which can be found in this repo which are using "FixFRP" are deprecated !</p>

Getting started - using starter app

Clone this repository and start hacking: https://github.com/restaumatic/purescript-specular-starter

Getting started - manually

We will use spago in this example, because spago allows us to override package sets.

Initialize a repository and install purescript

Add node_modules/.bin to path:

Initialize spago:

to check if everything is working so far:

Since Specular is not in an official package-set, you will have to add it manually, by appending with specular to your in upstream block in packages.dhall file.

-- Something like this will exist in your packages.dhall
let upstream =
      https://github.com/purescript/package-sets/releases/download/psc-0.14.3-20210716/packages.dhall sha256:1f9af624ddfd5352455b7ac6df714f950d499e7e3c6504f62ff467eebd11042c

in  upstream
  with specular =
    { dependencies =
      [ "prelude"
      , "aff"
      , "typelevel-prelude"
      , "record"
      , "unsafe-reference"
      , "random"
      , "debug"
      , "foreign-object"
      , "contravariant"
      , "avar"
    , repo = "https://github.com/restaumatic/purescript-specular.git"
    , version = "master"

Install specular:

Replace the content of src/Main.purs with the counter example, and run:

Create and open index.html file.

    <script>window.global = {}</script>
    <script src="index.js"></script>

The ugly global is required for now (possibly a browserify artifact).

If everything worked correctly, there should be a Spec(ta)ular counter! :)

Why not just use Reflex and GHCJS?

In short: code size. Specular demos are 240K unminified (with DCE - pulp build -O), or 19K minified with uglifyjs -c -m and gzipped. In contrast, a a GHCJS ( program that prints Hello World (no DOM bindings included, just base) weighs 1.1M unminified, or 62K minified with Closure Compiler's ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS and gzipped. Supporting Haskell semantics has a cost.

There are also other reasons, of course.

Why not use other PureScript UI libraries?

See Motivation.


Some of the cons of Specular:

If you think there are more, please open an issue. They should be listed.

Who's using it?


If you discover bugs, want new features, or have questions, please post an issue using the GitHub issue tracker, or use GitHub Discussions.

You can also use the Gitter chat.