

Durable Promise Test Harness

This test harness is a verification system that checks implementations for conformance to the Durable Promise Specification.


<p align="center"> <img src="./assets/architecture.png"> </p>

The test harness is composed of four key components working together:


The Checker validates that the operation history follows the specifications of the Durable Promise API. It is the final validation step.


The LocalStore tracks the start and end of each operation in memory. It generates the history of events that the Checker uses to verify correctness.


The Simulator generates a simulated client and pseudo-random sequence of operations for testing purposes. It exercises the system under diverse conditions.

Durable Promise Server

The Durable Promise Server implements the core Durable Promise Specification. It is the system under test.


  1. Build

    go build -o harness
  2. Verify

    ./harness verify -a -r 1000 -c 3

NOTE: the history, analysis, and any supplementary results are written to the filesystem under test/results/<date>/ for later review.

Design Decisions

Event Loop

Each event loop generates N operations in a batch per client. Each client executes the operations one by one, storing their results. The checker then checks all of the results in a batch.

<p align="center"> <img src="./assets/conceptual.png" height=400> </p>


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