This is a small Ruby on Rails plugin that can be installed as a gem in your Gemfile
that allows models to attach to it to provide spam filtering functionality.
Rails Quickstart
Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'filters_spam', '~> 0.4'
Run bundle install
Once you have the plugin installed, you need to add a column to the table you will be
using this for. For example, if you have a table called comments
script/generate migration add_spam_to_comments spam:boolean
rake db:migrate
The same thing in Rails 3:
rails generate migration add_spam_to_comments spam:boolean
rake db:migrate
Now, you can use it by calling the function in your model like so:
If you want to change the default fields that are used by filters_spam
then you can pass them in to the method as options. All options are optional.
All of the possible options are outlined below with the default values for each:
:message_field => :message,
:email_field => :email,
:author_field => :author,
:other_fields => [],
:extra_spam_words => %w()
So, say you wanted to mark 'ruby' and 'rails' as spam words you simply pass them
in using the :extra_spam_words
:extra_spam_words => %w(ruby rails)
Enjoy a life with less spam.
This code was inspired by Russel Norris' acts_as_snook plugin and ideas presented by Jonathan Snook