

ToobAmp LV2 Guitar Amp Plugins


ToobAmp LV2 plugins are a set of high-quality guitar effect plugins for Raspberry Pi. They are specifically designed for use with the PiPedal project, but work perfectly well with any LV2 Plugin host.

Releases Notes

v1.1.43 now provides native interfaces on hosts other than PiPedal.

Install ToobAmp

Do NOT install ToobAmp over an existing PiPedal install. PiPedal install packages include the best versions of PiPedal plugins already.

ToobAmp v1.1.43 has only been tested on Rasberry PI OS 64-bit bookworm. You can download a .deb install package here:

This release is currently being tested on Ubuntu. Expect install packages for Ubuntu shortly. If you want to try ToobAmp on Ubuntu in the meantime, you can build the package from source. If you encounter problems on Ubuntu, feel free to log bug reports.

If you are using a different platform, you may want to consider using the following install packages, although the plugins in these packages do not have native UIs.

Run the following shell commands:

sudo apt update
cd ~/Downloads
sudo dpkg -i ./toobamp_1.1.43_arm64.deb


Building ToobAmp


Run the following commands to install prerequisites:

 sudo apt update
 sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake ninja-build git
 sudo apt install -y lv2-dev libboost-iostreams-dev libflac++-dev zlib1g-dev libdbus-1-dev \
    libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev catch2 librsvg2-dev liblilv-dev  libxrandr-dev

Clone the repository to your local machine.

cd ~/src  # or wherever you keep your projects
git clone https://github.com/rerdavies/ToobAmp.git

Then, in the project directory, run:

 cd ~/src/ToobAmp
 git submodule update --init --recursive

If you are using Visual Studio Code, you will still need to perform the previous command after cloning the project, since Visual Studio Code does not yet understand submodules.


ToobAmp was built using Visual Studio Code, with CMake build files, so it's easier to configure and build TooBAmp if you are using Visual Studio Code.

If you are using Visual Studio code, install the Microsoft CMake extension, and load the project directory. Visual Studio Code will automatically detect and configure the project. Build and configuration tools for the CMake project can be accessed on the Visual Studio Code status bar.

If you are not usings Visual Studio Code, the following shell scripts, found in the root of the project, can be used to configure, build and install the project:

./config.sh     #configure the CMake project

./build.sh   # build the project.

After a full build, run the following command to install ToobAmp:


To build the debian package, run


Please relocate components, and package information if you're going to permanently fork ToobAmp to ensure that Debian packages don't conflict with each other.

If you are building the plugins for use with a host other than PiPedal, you should read this:
