


Experiments for vocoder.

Model list


The directiory for experiment is located in exp.

0. Install Rye

Please follow the installation instructions here.

After that, set up the project by running the following command:

$ rye sync

1. Preprocessing (00_preprocess)

  1. Split dat to train/valid
  2. Extract F0 with Harvest

Default config is located in src/vocoders/bin/conf/path/dummy.yaml, so if you run with original dataset, please change the path config file.
Current system supports single-speaker or universal vocoder, and it is assumed that the audio files to be used are placed in the wav_dir.
Additionally, the audio files are expected to be 1 channel, 16-bit, 24kHz in default settings.
If you wanna train your own dataset, change the parameters of src/vocoders/bin/conf/mel/default.yaml to your settings.

Then run the preprocess script

$ cd /path/to/vocoders/exp/00_preprocess

$ ./run.sh

2. Training

Move to the 01_traindirectory in prepared experiment directories(e.g. exp/01_hifigan) and execute the following command.

# e.g. : `01_hifigan`
$ cd /path/to/vocoders/exp/01_hifigan/01_train

$ ./run.sh

3. Synthesis

Move to the 02_syn directory and execute the following command.
The default checkpoint file is set as 01_train/out/ckpt/last.ckpt.
In the process, validation data is synthesized and evaluated.

# e.g. : `01_hifigan`
$ cd /path/to/vocoders/exp/01_hifigan/02_syn

$ ./run.sh