

Log4j2 appender for Report Portal

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The latest version: 5.2.2. Please use Maven Central link above to get the library.


To start using Report Portal log appending you need to include this library into your project dependencies according to your build system.


Add this section into <dependecies> section:



Add this line into dependecies block:

testImplementation 'com.epam.reportportal:logger-java-log4j:5.2.2'


Log4j2 provides configuration options via XML or JSON files.


Update log4j2.xml as follows

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <property name="pattern">[%d{HH:mm:ss}] %-5p (%F:%L) - %m%n</property>
        <ReportPortalLog4j2Appender name="ReportPortalAppender">
            <PatternLayout pattern="${pattern}"/>
        <root level="all">
            <appender-ref ref="ReportPortalAppender"/>


Update log4j2.json as follows

  "configuration": {
    "properties": {
      "property": {
        "name": "pattern",
        "value": "%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level - %msg%n"
    "appenders": {
      "ReportPortalLog4j2Appender": {
        "name": "ReportPortalAppender",
        "PatternLayout": {
          "pattern": "${pattern}"
    "loggers": {
      "root": {
        "level": "all",
        "AppenderRef": {
          "ref": "ReportPortalAppender"

ReportPortal's agent logs can be hided by increasing logging level for the following package:

    <Logger name="rp" level="WARN"/>
    <Logger name="com.epam.reportportal" level="WARN"/>

Attaching files (Screenshots, videos, archives, reports etc.)

For the log4j case it is possible to send binary data in next ways.

public class Test {
	private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(Test.class);

	 * Path to screenshot file
	public static final String screenshot_file_path = "demoScreenshoot.png";

	public void test() {
		 * Message for attached screenshot
		public String rp_message = "test message for Report Portal";
		ReportPortalMessage message = new ReportPortalMessage(new File(screenshot_file_path), rp_message);

RP_MESSAGE - message header

FILE, BASE64 - attaching data representation type

FILENAME, BASE_64_REPRESENTATION - path to sending file/ base64 representation of sending data

MESSAGE_TEST - string log message

public class Test {
	private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(Test.class);

	private static final String JSON_FILE_PATH = "files/file.json";

	public void logJsonBase64() {
		/* here we are logging some binary data as BASE64 string */
				"I'm logging content via BASE64"

	public void logJsonFile() {
		/* here we are logging some binary data as file (useful for selenium) */
		File file = File.createTempFile("rp-test", ".json");
		LOGGER.info("RP_MESSAGE#FILE#{}#{}", file.getAbsolutePath(), "I'm logging content via temp file");
public class Test {
	public void log() {
		File file = new File("my path to file");
		ReportPortal.emitLog("My message", "INFO", Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), file);

Grayscale images

There is a client parameter in reportportal.properties with the boolean type value for screenshots sending in the grayscale or color view. By default, it is set as true and all pictures for Report Portal will be in the grayscale format.



Possible values:

JDK Logging / java.util.logger (JUL)

Due to low popularity of JUL logger, Report Portal does not have adapter for it. Bridge to SLF4J or Log4j may be used in this case: Log4j2 JDK Logging Adapter


In some cases log4j can't find all enabled Appenders.

please follow with Shaded Plugin to avoid this issue: https://github.com/edwgiz/maven-shaded-log4j-transformer