


Generate and send indices from Hugo static sites for use with Algolia.

An alternative to the Docsearch plugin, allowing for manual index exports. Supports YAML, JSON, and TOML front matter.


Install hugo-algolia from npm

npm install hugo-algolia


yarn add hugo-algolia

How does it work?

hugo-algolia looks into the /content folder of your site by default and places a JSON file with the export into the /public folder, but if you'd like to use custom inputs and outputs just pass an -i or -o followed by your path via command line.


In your package.json file:

scripts: {
    "index": "hugo-algolia"


scripts: {
    "index": "hugo-algolia -i \"content/subdir/**\" -o public/my-index.json"

Sending to Algolia

You can send your index to Algolia by including your API key, app ID, and index name in your config.yaml, which you can find in your Algolia account dashboard. Then, pass an -s flag to your hugo-algolia command.

baseURL: "/"
languageCode: "en-us"
title: "Your site name"
theme: "your-theme"
description: "A cool site!"

  index: "index-name"
  key: "[your API key]"
  appID: "[your app id]"


scripts: {
    "index-and-send": "hugo-algolia -s"

If you don't want to set your write key in your config.yaml, you can also use environment variables. Just set a variable ALGOLIA_WRITE_KEY to the write key for your account, and the module will use that instead.

What if I don't want to index a specific file?

That's cool! Just set the index param in your file's front matter to false and hugo-algolia will skip it during the indexing process. Content with draft: true will also be ignored.


There are a few flags you can use to customize your indices:

You can also combine any of the above commands, including the one's mentioned outside of this section:
hugo-algolia -m "categories" -p "title, uri, categories" -all 

This command would create multiple indices depending on the category of each .md file, but only inlcude the title, uri, and categories information in the output file.

A note about TOML

The gray-matter package used in this module does not support TOML front matter out of the box. If you're using TOML in your front matter, just use the toml flag in your command.

hugo-algolia --toml

A note about duplicated index entries and objectIDs

Algolia assigns each entry in the index an objectID. It uses this attribute as primary key for an entry. If you want to update an entry, you must send the objectID for the entry you want to update. To prevent duplicated content, this package uses the page's URI as objectID. This way, you can generate the index as many times as you want and Algolia will only index content that has changed. If you want to override an objectID for an entry, you can especify it in the frontmatter.


This project is based on the lunr plugin from https://github.com/dgrigg/hugo-lunr, but adapted for use with the Algolia search engine. It is under the ISC License.