


What is This?

This project is a collection of Android CrackMe challenges that students can use to learn about the art of reverse engineering mobile software. I do not claim to be an expert at this, but I've learned enough to build some exciting challenges for the community. Your goal is simple, build and run each APK/challenge, complete all the challenges for knowledge and profit. If you get stuck, read the hint, if you get really stuck, read the source. Each challenge will have some way to verify that you've completed it.

Getting the Challenges

Below you can find download links for each app! Have fun!

sha1sum(apk) =

Mobile Android Challenges

Setting Up Your Dev Machine

Other tools you can use to break these apps:

Who do I talk to?

If you want to contribute back, that would be awesome, just fork my repo, make a pull request and I'll do a code review. ^_^
