

Neural Architecture Optimization

This is the Code for the Paper Neural Architecture Optimization.

Authors: Renqian Luo*, Fei Tian*, Tao Qin, En-Hong Chen, Tie-Yan Liu. *=equal contribution


For Pytorch implementation of cnn part, please visit NAO_pytorch, which includes the results on Imagenet.


The codes and models in this repo are released under the GNU GPLv3 license.


If you find this work helpful in your research, please use the following BibTex entry to cite our paper.

  title={Neural Architecture Optimization},
  author={Renqian Luo and Fei Tian and Tao Qin and En-Hong Chen and Tie-Yan Liu},
  booktitle={Advances in neural information processing systems},

This is not an official Microsoft product.

Requirment and Dependency

Tensorflow >= 1.4.0

Pytorch == 0.3.1


With Weight Sharing

To Search Architectures

To search the CNN architectures for CIFAR-10 with weight sharing, please refer to:

ScriptDataGPUSearch Time
./NAO-WS/cnn/train_search.shGoogle Drive Baidu Pan1 V1007.5 hours
cd NAO-WS/cnn
bash train_search.sh

Once the search is done, the final pool of architectures will be in models/child/arch_pool. You can choose top-5 architectures to run them using train_final.sh and pass in the arch by setting the fixed_arc argument.

To obtain the best architecture, we perform grid search on the hyper-parameters for the top-5 architectures discovered.

To Train Discovered Architectures

To train a fixed CNN architecture, for example, our best architecture discovered, please refer to:

ScriptGPUTimeModel CheckpointParameter SizeError Rate
./NAO-WS/cnn/train_final.sh1 P4042 hoursGoogle Drive Baidu Pan2.5M3.50

and run:

cd NAO-WS/cnn
bash train_final.sh

If you want to run it with cutout, add --child_cutout_size=16 in the script.

To Directly Evaluate an Architecture

To directly evaluate an architecture, for example, our best architecture discovered, please download the checkpoint above, move all the files to NAO-WS/cnn/models folder and run:

cd NAO-WS/cnn
bash test_final.sh    #This should give you an accuracy of 96.50% (error rate of 3.50%) without cutout

Without Weight Sharing

To Search Architectures

Please refer to details in ./NAO/README.md

To Train Discovered Architectures

Please download data at Google Drive Baidu Pan

You can train the best architecture discovered (show in Fig. 1 in the Appendix of the paper) using:

DatasetScriptGPUTimeCheckpointError Rate (Test)
CIFAR-10./NAO/cnn/train_cifar10_final.sh2 P405 daysGoogle Drive Baidu Pan2.10%
CIFAR-100./NAO/cnn/train_cifar100_final.sh2 P405 daysGoogle Drive Baidu Pan14.80%
Imagenetrefer to NAO_pytorch4 P406 daysTBD25.70%

by running:

cd NAO/cnn
bash train_cifar10_final.sh
bash train_cifar100_final.sh

To Directly Evaluate an Architecturethe

To directly evaluate an architecture, for example, our best architecture discovered, please download the checkpoint above, move all the files to NAO/cnn/models/cifar10 or NAO/cnn/models/cifar100/ , and run:

cd NAO/cnn
bash test_cifar10.sh     #This should give you an accuracy of 97.94% (error rate of 2.06%)
bash test_cifar100.sh    #This should give you an accuracy of 85.20% (error rate of 14.81%)


To Search Architectures

To search the RNN architectures for PTB with weight sharing, please refer to:

ScriptGPUSearch Time
./NAO-WS/rnn/train_search.sh1 V1008 hours
cd NAO-WS/rnn
bash train_search.sh

Once the search is done, the final pool of architectures will be in models/child/arch_pool. You can choose top-10 architectures to run them using train_final.sh and pass in the arch by setting the arch argument.

To Train Discovered Architectures

To train a fixed RNN architecture, for example, our best architecture discovered, please refer to:

ScriptModel CheckpointGPUTimePPL (Test)
./NAO-WS/rnn/train_final.shGoogle Drive Baidu Pan1 V1004 days56.80
cd NAO-WS/rnn
bash train_final.sh   #This should give you a test ppl of 56.66 at the end of training

To Directly Evaluate an Architecture

To directly evaluate an architecture, for example, our best architecture discovered, please download the checkpoint above, move all the files to ./NAO/rnn/models folder and run:

cd NAO-WS/cnn
bash test_final.sh    #This should give you a test ppl of 56.66

Without Weight Sharing

To Search Architectures

Please refer to details in NAO/README.md

To Train Discovered Architectures

You can train the best architecture discovered (showin in Fig. 2 in the Appendix of the paper) using:

DatasetScriptGPUTimeCheckpointPPL (Test)
PTB./NAO/rnn/train_ptb_final.sh1 V1004 daysGoogle Drive Baidu Pan56.02
WikiText-2./NAO/rnn/train_wt2_final.sh1 V1004 daysGoogle Drive Baidu Pan67.10

To Directly Evaluate an Architecture

To directly evaluate an architecture, for example, our best architecture discovered, please download the checkpoint above, move all the files to NAO/rnn/models/ptb or NAO/rnn/models/wt2 , and run:

cd NAO/rnn
bash test_ptb.sh    #This should give you a test ppl of 56.02
bash test_wt2.sh    #This should give you a test ppl of 67.10


We thank Hieu Pham for the discussion on some details of ENAS implementation, and Hanxiao Liu for the code base of language modeling task in DARTS . We furthermore thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.