

Transferable Unlearnable Examples

Code for ICLR2023 Paper Transferable Unlearnable Examples by Jie Ren, Han Xu, Yuxuan Wan, Xingjun Ma, Lichao Sun, Jiliang Tang.

<p align='center'> <!-- <img src='https://github.com/chingyaoc/DCL/blob/master/misc/fig1.png?raw=true' width='500'/> --> <img src='https://github.com/renjie3/CSD/blob/main/asset/two_stage4.png' width='800'/> </p>

With more people publishing their personal data online, unauthorized data usage has become a serious concern. The unlearnable strategies have been introduced to prevent third parties from training on the data without permission. They add perturbations to the users' data before publishing, which aims to make the models trained on the perturbed published dataset invalidated. These perturbations have been generated for a specific training setting and a target dataset. However, their unlearnable effects significantly decrease when used in other training settings and datasets. To tackle this issue, we propose a novel unlearnable strategy based on Classwise Separability Discriminant (CSD), which aims to better transfer the unlearnable effects to other training settings and datasets by enhancing the linear separability. Extensive experiments demonstrate the transferability of the proposed unlearnable examples across training settings and datasets.


Quick Start

Use demo.sh for a quick start.

The command for generating Transferable Unlearnable Examples on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 based on three different backbones can be found in demo.sh.

Pretrained Unlearnable Examples

The generated unlearnable perturbations for CIFAR110 and CIFAR100 can be found at Google Drive. The command for using the pretrained data can be found at demo.sh.

To update

The code for unsupervised test will be updated soon.


This repo is based on https://github.com/HanxunH/Unlearnable-Examples. The unsupervised backbones are adapted from:


If you find this repo useful for your research, please consider citing the paper

  title={Transferable Unlearnable Examples},
  author={Ren, Jie and Xu, Han and Wan, Yuxuan and Ma, Xingjun and Sun, Lichao and Tang, Jiliang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.10114},