



A ready-to-use connect/sync widget, as add-on library for remoteStorage.js.


import RemoteStorage from 'remotestoragejs';
import Widget from 'remotestorage-widget';

// ...

const remoteStorage = new RemoteStorage(/* options */);

remoteStorage.access.claim('bookmarks', 'rw');

const widget = new Widget(remoteStorage);

// ...


The widget has some configuration options to customize the behavior:

leaveOpenKeep the widget open when user clicks outside of itBooleanfalse
autoCloseAfterTimeout after which the widget closes automatically (in milliseconds). The widget only closes when a storage is connected.Number1500
skipInitialDon't show the initial connect hint, but show sign-in screen directly insteadBooleanfalse
loggingEnable logging for debugging purposesBooleanfalse
modalBackdropShow a dark, transparent backdrop when opening the widget for connecting an account. true shows backdrop everywhere, false turns it off everywhere. Default is to only show it on small screens.Boolean, String"onlySmallScreens"


const widget = new Widget(remoteStorage, { autoCloseAfter: 2000 });

Available Functions

attach(elementID) - Attach the widget to the DOM and display it. You can use an optional element ID that the widget should be attached to. Otherwise it will be attached to the body.

While the attach() method is required for the widget to be actually shown, the following functions are usually not needed. They allow for fine-tuning the experience.

close() - Close/minimize the widget to only show the icon.

open() - Open the widget when it's minimized.

toggle() - Switch between open and closed state.

Development / Customization

Install deps:

npm install

Build, run and watch demo/test app:

npm start

The demo app will then be served at http://localhost:8008