GCDTask is a wrapper for NSTask that allows for handling input, output and error streams just by providing a block to handle it.
GCDTask — NSTask with blocks and GCD.
GCDTask is a wrapper for NSTask
that tries to use GCD as much as possible and provide a simple block-based interface for use.
Example usage:
GCDTask* pingTask = [[GCDTask alloc] init];
[pingTask setArguments:@[@"-c",@"4",@""]];
[pingTask setLaunchPath:@"/sbin/ping"];
[pingTask launchWithOutputBlock:^(NSData *stdOutData) {
NSString* output = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:stdOutData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(@"OUT: %@", output);
} andErrorBlock:^(NSData *stdErrData) {
NSString* output = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:stdErrData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(@"ERR: %@", output);
} onLaunch:^{
NSLog(@"Task has started running.");
} onExit:^{
NSLog(@"Task has now quit.");
View the LICENSE file for more info.