Web2py / Python application for Conference Registration and Management.
It was originally developed for PyCon US 2009 registration. Used also at PyCon US 2010, PyCon Argentina (2009, 2010 -resurrected sites from old PyConTech-, 2011, 2012, 2013), and in a lot of smaller conferences and events in Argentina (including around 7 PyDays, 2 PgDays, 1 IntallFest, etc.)
Project main site and further information:
Features & Enhancements:
- Wiki (ReST) and Wyswyg HTML CMS with flatpages_pluging
- Easier Registration (optionally no password required)
- Social network login support (google, yahoo, twitter, facebook, etc.)
- Navigation bar (dynamic menu)
- Talk management improvements (author bio, embed video, etc.)
- Ratings and user voting (preferences), feedback planned
- Schedule and timetable (multiple rooms) & mmodal window
- Sponsorship management (logos)
- Speakers page (photos, bio, etc)
- Mailing (talk acceptance/rejection) & Confirmations
- Conference brief (talk stats by level, category, speakers by country, etc.)
- Slideshow, recent tweets and latest blog posts sections
- Badge and attendance certificate generation (PDF)
- Almost full internationalization (English, Spanish, etc.)
- Capable of data import from former PyCon-Tech django-based systems (speakers, talks, sponsors, attendees)
- Financial-Aid application, expenses and cash-flow financials
- Registration payment integration (compatible with DineroMail in Argentina)
- Manager interface for Settings, CRUD, mailing, etc.
- Twitter bootstrap responsive layout
Installation Instructions:
Just download the source code inside a folder in the web2py applications directory, or see the pre-packaged released applications at