


R-CMD-check DOI

Utility functions for the COVID-19 forecast hub


The covidHubUtils package relies on a small number of packages, including many from the tidyverse and, importantly, the zoltr package that is used to access the Zoltar API for downloading forecasts. Please install zoltr from GitHub, as this development version often has important features not yet on the CRAN version:


Additional functionalities in covidHubUtils also rely on scoringutils. Please install version 1.2.2 of scoringutils from github:


Some additional functionalities in covidHubUtils also rely on covidData. Because there are daily data updates in covidData, please install the latest version of it before using related functions in covidHubUtils:


The covidHubUtils package currently is only available on GitHub, and it may be installed using the remotes package:


Getting Started

For those starting out we recommend you begin with the Getting Started vignette.


Currently available:

Reading Forecast Data

Reading Observed "Truth" Data

Plotting Forecasts

Scoring Forecasts

Download and pre-process "Truth" Data.

Note: case and death information from NYTimes and JHU CSSE stopped updating in March 2023, but covidHubUtils can still be used to access the historical data.

Calculating Forecast Similarities

Contributing Guidelines

If you would like to contribute your work, please follow this list to create a pull request: