


A beautiful slider control for iOS.

<h3 align="center"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/D6IsT2r.gif" alt="Look at that beauty!" /> </h3>


There are two ways to add the control to your project; you can add it as a submodule if you're using GIT as a versioning system or you can install it through CocoaPods. Examples of both are outlined below.

git submodule add https://github.com/rehatkathuria/SnappingSlider

pod "SnappingSlider"


It's simple, really. In essence, all you need to do is instantiate a slider with a title and conform to the delegate offered.

let slider = SnappingSlider(frame: CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 10.0), title: "Slide Me")
slider.delegate = self

myAwesomeViewController.view.addSubView = slider


func snappingSliderDidIncrementValue(snapSwitch: SnappingSlider) {


func snappingSliderDidDecrementValue(snapSwitch: SnappingSlider) {



This control has been open-sourced by Rehat Kathuria. You can follow him on twitter, here, and hire him for freelance projects, here.

License & Other Boring Stuff

Licensed under MIT. If you use the control somewhere, do let me know. I'd love to see it out in the wild.