

Regen Website

The website for the Regen Network decentralized infrastructure.

Table of Contents


This project uses bun with bun workspaces to manage multiple packages:

Lerna is also used to bump packages versions and push new releases.



If you haven't already, you can set up system dependencies by running the following commands:

brew install python
sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/python3 /opt/homebrew/bin/python
brew install vips

Note: python and vips are dependencies via sharp.

Install dependencies

bun install

Environment variables

Set variables in .env files in web-marketplace/ and web-storybook/ folders based on provided .env.example files.


To run the marketplace app:

bun run start

To run Storybook:

bun run storybook

To run the website:

cd web-www && bun run dev



Compile web-marketplace to web-marketplace/build respectively:

bun run build

GraphQL Type generation

To generate Type definitions from our GraphQL Schema, as well as custom react hooks, make sure the graphQL server is running locally, cd into the appropriate sub-folder and run (per repo):

For /web-marketplace there are two commands for the separate sources:

  1. bun run graphql:codegen - for registry server graphql types
  2. bun run graphql:codegen-sanity - for sanity CMS graphql types

which generates types for any named GraphQL queries and mutations in web-marketplace/src/graphql/*.graphql (note - it does not generate types for unnamed queries)

bun run graphql:codegen

This should be done anytime a .graphql file is created or modified.

As part of https://github.com/regen-network/regen-server/pull/186, we've added some additional filtering features to our GraphQL server (using postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter), though we restricted the filters to only work on certain fields and operators for now for performance and security reasons: https://github.com/regen-network/regen-server/blob/aa97096c9a8e88e1af97655586e0222e263b8df5/server/Server.ts#L111-L115

If you try to use a filter that is not allowed yet, you'll get the following error when trying to generate types: GraphQLDocumentError: Field "${fieldName}" is not defined by type "${TableName}Filter". In this case, you might want to submit a PR on https://github.com/regen-network/regen-server first to allow more filtering options.

Similarly, types can be generated for Sanity GraphQL Schema (from web-marketplace/src/graphql/sanity/*.graphql) using:

bun run graphql:codegen-sanity


bun run build-storybook


bun run build-www


- Running tests

We are using Vitest as a test runner.

Tests can be run in the terminal with the following commands from the project root:

In both cases the test runner is launched in the interactive watch mode.

- Writing tests

When writing test in web-marketplace remember to import the methods from'web-marketplace/test/test-utils', specially the render method, as it is a custom render that wraps components with the necessary providers.

In web-components, methods should be imported directly from '@testing-library/*'

Code style

Prettier and ESLint are used as code formatter and linter.

Code can be formatted and any auto-fixable errors corrected through the command:

bun run format-and-fix

If you are using VsCode, there are suggested workspace settings in .vscode/settings.json.suggested - copy those over to your workspace settings.json and things should format automatically.

Note: You'll need the VsCode extensions for Prettier and ESLint


Regen codebase use lingui Internationalization Framework.

Lingui package usage:

Lingui CLI usage:

Run i18n:extract inside web-marketplace to update the .po files with the newly added translation keys (with <Trans> or _(msg)).


Here's a vscode snippet to make string translation easier:

"Lingui translate": {
  "prefix": "lin",
  "body": [
  "description": "Translate text"

Important notes

<Trans> component should be imported from @lingui/macro most of the time. This component is used at compile-time. There is another <Trans> component in @lingui/react for special cases. This component is used at runtime.


This repo utilizes custom MUI Typography components to normalize styles with the mockups based on the typography in figma:

  1. <Title /> corresponds to "Header" text in the mockups
  2. <Label /> corresponds to "Button Text" in the mockups
  3. <Subtitle />
  4. <Body />

Responsive styles are generally normalized (e.g. an H1 on desktop translates to an H3 on mobile in most cases), however these can be overridden with variant / mobileVariant (for Titles) and size / mobileSize (for the others). For example:

<Title /> // renders an h1 (default) on desktop, h3 on mobile
<Title variant="h3" /> // renders an h3 on desktop, h4 on mobile
<Title variant="h3" mobileVariant="h3" /> // renders an h3 on desktop & mobile
<Subtitle size="xl" mobileSize="sm" />
<Body mobileSize="md" /> // keep default `md` size on mobile

One small gotcha: due to how styled components and the sx prop function together, if you want to use a custom fontSize through sx, you have to pass responsive values:

<Title sx={{ fontSize: 12 }}> // does not work as expected
<Title sx={{ fontSize: [12] }}> // works
<Title sx={{ fontSize: [12, 18] }}> // works
<Title sx={{ fontSize: { xs: 12 } }}> // works

All of these components also accept MUI's SX Prop.

The <Body> component by default will add styles to child Link and ul/ol elements, which can be overridden through props:

  <Link>text</Link> // will render as green w/ bold text
    <li>list text</li> // will render with a green dot and custom positioning
<Body styleLinks={false} styleLists={false}>
  <Link>text</Link> // will render as default text
    <li>list text</li> // will render with default list styles

Sizing guide

PxRemtheme.spacingFigma ComponentUI ComponentsMUI Variants
22px1.375rem5.5bodyXLarge, subtitleXLargeBody, SubtitletextXLarge
21px1.313rem5.252H5, ButtonLargeTitle, LabelH5
18px1.125rem4.5H6, subtitleLarge bodyLarge, buttonMediumTitle, Subtitle, Body, Labelh6, textLarge
16px1rem4subtitleMedium, bodyMediumSubtitle, LabeltextMedium
14px0.875rem3.5subtitleSmall, bodySmall, buttonSmallSubtitle, Body, LabeltextSmall
12px0.75rem3subtitleXSmall bodyXSmall, buttonXSmallSubtitle, Body, LabeltextXSmall


Currently we use netlify to deploy this application. Please see the netlify.toml in the project root for information about the different deployment environments.

Debugging Netlify deploys

In case you are seeing a build/deploy failure from Netlify, there is a helpful way to debug. Netlify provides the source code for their build-image. This docker image can be used to run a netlify build worker on your local machine. This allows you to test settings and parameters of the build. Hopefully this allows you to reproduce the error/failure you are dealing with.

git clone https://github.com/netlify/build-image
cd build-images
docker pull netlify/build:focal
./test-tools/start-image.sh ../regen-web/

Make sure that any changes you want to test in the local build are committed. Uncommited changes are ignored by the Netlify build image.

After running the start-image.sh script you will drop into the docker container. Then you will be able to run any commands, i.e. the build:

/opt/build-bin/build bun run build