

Burp Scope Monitor Extension

A Burp Suite Extension to monitor and keep track of tested endpoints.

Main Features


  1. Make sure you have Jython configured under Extender -> Options -> Python Environment. For further instructions, check PortSwigger official instructions at their support page.
  2. git clone git@github.com:Regala/burp-scope-monitor.git
  3. Import main.py in Extender - Extender -> Extensions -> Add -> Select Python -> Select main.py


Most of the options available in General or Import tabs are auto-explanatory.

Future Development


The code is not yet performant, optimized or anything similar. KISS and it works. Performance will be increased depending on demand and how the extension performs when handling large Burp projects.

To circumvent some of Burp's Extender API limitations, some small hacks were implemented. One of those is automatically setting a comment on the requests that flow in the Proxy tab. You can still add comments on the items, as you'd normally would, but just make sure to keep the placeholder string (scope-monitor-placeholder) there. Hopefully in the future each requestResponse from Burp will have a unique identifier, which would make the import state / load from file much cleaner and fast. With large state files, this might hang a bit when loading.


I welcome contributions from the public, from bug reports, feature suggestions and pull requests.

Using the issue tracker 💡

The issue tracker is the preferred channel for bug reports and features requests.

Issues and labels 🏷

The bug tracker utilizes several labels to help organize and identify issues.

Guidelines for bug reports 🐛

Use the GitHub issue search — check if the issue has already been reported.

Known bugs:

Special Thanks