

Refinery CMS News

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Refinery's news engine allows you to post updates to the news section of your website.

Key features:


Refinery CMS "core" engine version 2.0.0 or later.

Gem Installation using Bundler (The very best way)

Include the latest gem into your Refinery CMS application's Gemfile:

gem "refinerycms-news", '~> 2.1.0'

Then type the following at command line inside your Refinery CMS application's root directory:

bundle install
rails generate refinery:news
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed

How to display a news feed on the homepage:

Assuming you've already overridden the homepage view:

$ rake refinery:override view=refinery/pages/home

You can render the recent_posts partial. However, you will need to set the recent News items manually, since this is normally handled in the News::Items controller:

<% @items = Refinery::News::Item.latest(5) %>
<%= render :partial => '/refinery/news/items/recent_posts' %>

Configuring the number of items per page

To modify the number of items per page for the news items index without affecting the archive page you must override the method in the controller that sets @items for the index: find_published_news_items.

Currently the method body is:

@items = Item.published.translated.page(params[:page])

The page convenience method needs to be replaced with paginate and per_page passed as an option. Add a decorator for the items controller with the following contents:

module Refinery::News
  ItemsController.class_eval do
    def find_published_news_items
      @items = Item.published.translated.paginate :page => params[:page],
                                                  :per_page => 8

Customising the views

Type this command at your project root to override the default front end views:

$ rake refinery:override view=refinery/news/items/*
Copied view template file to app/views/refinery/news/items/_recent_posts.html.erb
Copied view template file to app/views/refinery/news/items/index.html.erb
Copied view template file to app/views/refinery/news/items/show.html.erb

RSS (Really Simple Syndication)

To get RSS for your entire site, insert this into the head section of your layout after installing:

<%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:rss, refinery.news_items_url(:format => 'rss')) %>

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