

XLCoST: A Benchmark Dataset for Cross-lingual Code Intelligence


Recent advances in machine learning have benefited a number of code related tasks, such as code translation, code summarization, and code synthesis. Open-source code repository websites like Github provide enormous amount of source code data, which enables the training of large-scale code language models such as CodeBERT (Feng et al., 2020), PLBART (Ahmad et al., 2021a), TransCoder (Roziere et al., 2020) and CodeT5 (Wang et al., 2021). Although the open-source code data is abundant in quantity, it has several disadvantages when serving as training data for code-related models. First, most of the available code data is unlabeled. For tasks like Code Translation, Code Summarization, and Code Synthesis, high quality parallel data is critical for model training.

We introduce XLCoST , a machine learning benchmark dataset that contains fine-grained parallel data in 7 commonly used programming languages (C++, Java, Python, C#, Javascript, PHP, C), and natural language (English). The data is parallel across 7 languages, at both code snippet level and program level. This means that given a program in one language, the dataset contains the same program in up to 6 other programming languages. Each program is divided into several code snippets, and programs in all the languages are aligned at the snippet level. Moreover, each of the snippets is accompanied with a comment, and the comment for a particular snippet is the same across all the languages. Please find the full paper here.

The figure below shows a schematic diagram of how the dataset is organised and the possible tasks that can be performed with it.

<p align="center"> <img width="650" height="300" src="https://github.com/reddy-lab-code-research/XLCoST/blob/main/xlcost_schematic.png"> </p>


We introduce the following 10 cross-lingual tasks. All the tasks have pairwise data at both snippet-level and program-level in 7 programming languages, C++, Java, Python, C#, Javascript, PHP, and C. The tasks can be divided into two categories, generation and retrieval. The generation tasks include Code Translation, Code Summarization and Code Syntheis; the retrieval tasks include NL (natural language) Code Search and XL (Cross-Lingual) Code Search. All the tasks are in both snippet-level and program-level. We use 3 state-of-the-art baselines for the generation tasks and 2 for the retrieval tasks.

GenerationCode-to-CodeSnippet Translation872K/47K/83KTranslate code snippet across programming languagesCodeBERT(enc-dec), PLBART, CodeT5
Program Translation106K/6K/11KTranslate program across programming languages
Code-to-TextSnippet Summarization446K/22K/41KGenerate comment for given code snippet
Program Summarization50K/3K/5KGenerate problem description for given program
Text-to-CodeSnippet Synthesis446K/22K/41KGenerate code snippet giving comment
Program Synthesis50K/3K/5KGenerate program giving problem description and comments
RetrievalNL Code SearchComment-to-Snippet Search446K/22K/41KRetrieve code snippet for given commentRoBERTa, CodeBERT
Problem-to-Program Search50K/3K/5KRetrieve program for given problem description
XL Code SearchSnippet-to-Snippet Search872K/47K/83KRetrieve code snippets in other languages for given snippet
Program-to-Program Search106K/6K/11KRetrieve programs in other languages for given snippet

How to use this repository

Use the requirements.txt file to setup your environment.

Code for this repository has been adapted from CodeXGLUE and PLBART.

Instructions to run the generation tasks can be found here.

Instructions to run the code search tasks can be found here.


The data can be downloaded here.

Data Description (Metadata)

Details about the data files and metadata can be found here.

<!-- Described below is the directory structure of the data obtained by unzipping the zip file that is downloaded in the previous step. We have 7 different directories within the parent directory corresponding to various tasks. ``` XLCoST_data ├── code2code_search ├── nl2code_search ├── pair_data_tok_1 ├── pair_data_tok_1_comment ├── pair_data_tok_full ├── pair_data_tok_full_desc └── pair_data_tok_full_desc_comment ``` -->


Some basic averaged statistics of the dataset are presented below. "#" means number. #comments/program is the same as #snippets/program. (Py is short for Python; JS for Javascript; TOK for tokens; SN for snippets; PR for programs; com for comments;)

# tokens/snippet21.5224.121.6323.0622.5228.1425.3722.83
# tokens/program204.97227.09188.54215.29184.63163.51197.95201.96
# tokens/comment8.258.147.978.237.968.459.678.15
# tokens/desc10.6810.6710.7510.710.879.918.1910.66
# snippet/program9.529.428.519.338.25.817.778.81
# lines/snippet3.413.712.413.823.2344.053.37
# lines/program32.4534.9320.5435.6426.4723.2331.529.71
total snippets106,397103,70392,446100,03281,51120,6394,363-
total programs11,19811,02810,62210,7359,9513,553574-

Number of pairwise code-code data in training, validation and testing splits for each language-pair are presented in the following table. The upper triangle shows the number of parallel code snippets, and the lower triangle shows the number of parallel programs. This data is used for the Code Translation and XL Code Search tasks. (Py is short for Python. JS is short for Javascript.)

Code-Code PairsC++JavaPythonC#JSPHPC

Number of pairwise code-text data in each language are presented in the table below. "Snippet" means snippet-comment pairs, and "Program" means program-description (problem description) pairs. This data is used for Code Summarization (Code-to-Text), Code Synthesis (Text-to-Code) and NL Code Search tasks.

NL-Code PairsC++JavaPythonC#JSPHPCTotal

With the release of this dataset hope to enable more research into the domain of Deep Learning for Software Engineering tasks. We believe that this dataset is a valuable asset for the research community and can potentially benefit a number of code-related research problems.

<!-- ### Code Translation <!-- #### Snippet Level --> <!-- | **CodeBLEU** | **Model** | **C++** | **Java** | **Python** | **C#** | **JS** | **PHP** | **C** | |--------------|----------------|-----------|-----------|------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------| | **C++** | **Naive Copy** | - | 64.56 | 34.79 | 63.19 | 53.16 | 42.56 | 84.2 | | | **CodeBERT** | - | 84.94 | 74.55 | 84.99 | 82.79 | 68.56 | 45.46 | | | **PLBART** | - | 83.85 | 74.89 | 84.57 | 83.19 | 68.62 | 83.95 | | | **CodeT5** | **-** | **86.35** | **76.28** | **85.85** | **84.31** | **69.87** | **90.45** | | **Java** | **Naive Copy** | 70.85 | - | 35 | 78.43 | 57.81 | 42.49 | 69.74 | | | **CodeBERT** | 87.27 | - | 58.39 | 92.26 | 84.63 | 67.26 | 39.94 | | | **PLBART** | 87.31 | - | 58.3 | 90.78 | 85.42 | 67.44 | 72.47 | | | **CodeT5** | **88.26** | **-** | **74.59** | **92.56** | **86.22** | **69.02** | **82.78** | | **Python** | **Naive Copy** | 39.22 | 31.89 | - | 31.79 | 38.34 | 36.02 | 37.79 | | | **CodeBERT** | 80.46 | 58.5 | - | 54.72 | 57.38 | 65.14 | 10.7 | | | **PLBART** | 80.15 | 74.15 | - | 73.5 | 73.2 | 66.12 | 62.15 | | | **CodeT5** | **81.56** | **78.61** | **-** | **78.89** | **77.76** | **67.54** | **68.67** | | **C#** | **Naive Copy** | 69.78 | 78.71 | 34.77 | - | 57.85 | 42.53 | 66.73 | | | **CodeBERT** | 86.96 | 90.15 | 56.92 | - | 84.38 | 67.18 | 40.43 | | | **PLBART** | 84.98 | 6.27 | 69.82 | - | 85.02 | 67.3 | 75.74 | | | **CodeT5** | **88.06** | **91.69** | **73.85** | **-** | **85.95** | **68.97** | **81.09** | | **JS** | **Naive Copy** | 60.82 | 59.25 | 38.84 | 64.27 | - | 41.56 | 55.84 | | | **CodeBERT** | 84.38 | 84.42 | 52.57 | 84.74 | - | 66.66 | 33.29 | | | **PLBART** | 84.45 | 84.9 | 69.29 | 85.05 | - | 67.09 | 72.65 | | | **CodeT5** | **85.06** | **85.48** | **73.15** | **85.96** | **-** | **68.42** | **80.49** | | **PHP** | **Naive Copy** | 36.33 | 35.61 | 24.62 | 36.67 | 35.55 | - | 35.95 | | | **CodeBERT** | 82.58 | 81.57 | 69.29 | 80.96 | 79.94 | - | 28.45 | | | **PLBART** | 83.87 | 81.66 | 71.17 | 78 | 82.94 | - | 57.39 | | | **CodeT5** | **86.33** | **85.12** | **73.22** | **84.56** | **83.56** | **-** | **79.3** | | **C** | **Naive Copy** | 83.93 | 65.46 | 38.49 | 63.05 | 55.55 | 41.85 | - | | | **CodeBERT** | 45.84 | 39.69 | 13.55 | 39.71 | 29.85 | 38.88 | - | | | **PLBART** | 82.53 | 72.35 | 49.16 | 75.78 | 75.05 | 60.86 | - | | | **CodeT5** | **90.26** | **81.81** | **63.81** | **83.05** | **79.73** | **66.32** | **-** | --> <!-- #### Program Level | **CodeBLEU** | **Model** | **C++** | **Java** | **Python** | **C#** | **JS** | **PHP** | **C** | |--------------|----------------|-----------|-----------|------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------| | **C++** | **Naive Copy** | - | 57.36 | 17.68 | 58.02 | 53.16 | 18.97 | 75.91 | | | **CodeBERT** | - | 74.73 | 24.96 | 76.35 | 72.95 | 50.4 | 21.84 | | | **PLBART** | - | 75.26 | 70.13 | 78.01 | 61.85 | 67.01 | 72.59 | | | **CodeT5** | **-** | **80.03** | **71.56** | **81.73** | **79.48** | **70.44** | **85.67** | | **Java** | **Naive Copy** | 64.25 | - | 39.87 | 72.68 | 57.81 | 42.51 | 62.48 | | | **CodeBERT** | 79.36 | - | 8.51 | 84.43 | 76.02 | 51.42 | 21.22 | | | **PLBART** | 81.41 | - | 66.29 | 83.34 | 80.14 | 67.12 | 63.37 | | | **CodeT5** | 84.26 | - | 69.57 | 87.79 | 80.67 | 69.44 | 78.78 | | **Python** | **Naive Copy** | 37.47 | 29.78 | - | 27.59 | 38.42 | 35.48 | 35.66 | | | **CodeBERT** | 68.87 | 28.22 | - | 17.8 | 23.65 | 49.3 | 18.32 | | | **PLBART** | 74.38 | 67.8 | - | 66.03 | 69.3 | 64.85 | 29.05 | | | **CodeT5** | **78.85** | **73.15** | **-** | **73.35** | **71.8** | **67.5** | **56.35** | | **C#** | **Naive Copy** | 64 | 73.63 | 40.09 | - | 57.79 | 42.96 | 60.87 | | | **CodeBERT** | 78.52 | 82.25 | 10.82 | - | 75.46 | 51.76 | 21.63 | | | **PLBART** | 80.17 | 81.37 | 67.02 | - | 79.81 | 67.12 | 57.6 | | | **CodeT5** | **83.59** | **85.7** | **69.52** | **-** | **80.5** | **69.63** | **77.35** | | **JS** | **Naive Copy** | 53.81 | 51.77 | 42.31 | 54.86 | - | 42.11 | 49.04 | | | **CodeBERT** | 75.43 | 72.33 | 9.19 | 75.47 | - | 52.08 | 19.79 | | | **PLBART** | 80.19 | 76.96 | 64.18 | 78.51 | - | 67.24 | 67.7 | | | **CodeT5** | **82.14** | **79.91** | **68.42** | **81.77** | **-** | **68.76** | **74.57** | | **PHP** | **Naive Copy** | 34.62 | 31.33 | 25.68 | 32.81 | 32.26 | - | 33.45 | | | **CodeBERT** | 50.13 | 46.81 | 16.92 | 49.75 | 48.12 | - | 22.19 | | | **PLBART** | 79.4 | 72.77 | 61.26 | 74.16 | 44.26 | - | 56.23 | | | **CodeT5** | **85.55** | **82.09** | **72.26** | **83.79** | **81.72** | **-** | **65.86** | | **C** | **Naive Copy** | 78.4 | 59.41 | 20.2 | 59.83 | 53.54 | 19.75 | - | | | **CodeBERT** | 21.7 | 21.27 | 21.1 | 19.5 | 15.64 | 31.71 | - | | | **PLBART** | 78.42 | 13.45 | 5.53 | 45.15 | 31.47 | 25.17 | - | | | **CodeT5** | **88.17** | **76.12** | **56.32** | **80.2** | **76.5** | **64.28** | **-** | --> <!-- ### Code Summarization #### Snippet Level | **BLEU** | **Model** | **C++** | **Java** | **Python** | **C#** | **JS** | **PHP** | **C** | |------------------------|--------------|-----------|-----------|------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|---------| | **Code Summarization** | **CodeBERT** | 14.4 | 13.13 | 3.96 | 14.07 | 11.81 | 11.25 | 5.84 | | | **PLBART** | 14.77 | 13.76 | 8 | 14.37 | 10.93 | 9.07 | **7.5** | | | **CodeT5** | **17.36** | **16.69** | **10.76** | **17.44** | **14.34** | **13.42** | 6.63 | #### Program Level | **BLEU** | **Model** | **C++** | **Java** | **Python** | **C#** | **JS** | **PHP** | **C** | |------------------------|--------------|----------|----------|------------|----------|----------|----------|-----------| | **Code Summarization** | **CodeBERT** | 7.68 | 5.47 | 2.04 | 7.58 | 7.67 | 7.5 | 6.64 | | | **PLBART** | 7.65 | 6.35 | 4.86 | **9.23** | 6.78 | 6.03 | 4.14 | | | **CodeT5** | **9.62** | **8.82** | **6.32** | 7.75 | **8.23** | **10.5** | **12.84** | --> <!-- ### Code Search #### Snippet Level | **MRR** | **Model** | **C++** | **Java** | **Python** | **C#** | **JS** | **PHP** | **C** | |--------------------|--------------|-----------|-----------|------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------| | **NL Code Search** | **RoBERTa** | 25.77 | 25.85 | 27.08 | 25.64 | 26.78 | 33.47 | 36.14 | | | **CodeBERT** | **29.77** | **29.41** | **30.94** | **29.08** | **31.2** | **38.75** | **41.56** | | **XL Code Search** | **RoBERTa** | 41.73 | 41.25 | 36.16 | 41.18 | 43.17 | **41.17** | 37.1 | | | **CodeBERT** | **42.11** | **41.71** | **36.98** | **41.52** | **43.41** | 41.09 | **37.87** | --> <!-- #### Program Level | **MRR** | **Model** | **C++** | **Java** | **Python** | **C#** | **JS** | **PHP** | **C** | |--------------------|--------------|-----------|-----------|------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------| | **NL Code Search** | **RoBERTa** | 51.47 | 50.4 | 48.98 | 52.24 | 50.05 | 62.01 | **56.34** | | | **CodeBERT** | **59.13** | **56.07** | **57.97** | **56.65** | **54.37** | **65.13** | 47.13 | | **XL Code Search** | **RoBERTa** | 48.28 | 47.66 | 46.11 | 46.4 | 47.6 | 43.76 | 40.15 | | | **CodeBERT** | **48.71** | **48.33** | **47.24** | **47.96** | **47.66** | **44.02** | **40.43** | -->


If you use this dataset in your work, please consider citing us. The arXiv version of the paper can be found here.

<!-- @misc{zhu2022xlcost, title={XLCoST: A Benchmark Dataset for Cross-lingual Code Intelligence}, author={Ming Zhu and Aneesh Jain and Karthik Suresh and Roshan Ravindran and Sindhu Tipirneni and Chandan K. Reddy}, year={2022}, eprint={2206.08474}, archivePrefix={arXiv} } -->
     title = {XLCoST: A Benchmark Dataset for Cross-lingual Code Intelligence},
     url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.08474},
     author = {Zhu, Ming and Jain, Aneesh and Suresh, Karthik and Ravindran, Roshan and Tipirneni, Sindhu and Reddy, Chandan K.},
     year = {2022},