The Game
Play the game at our Project page, here: Color Quest
You play as Pigment, a black and white pixel on a quest to become a color pixel by collecting color diodes. You race through a forever-scrolling grayscale obstacle course, changing between the RGB colors you collect to survive. For example, changing to a blue pixel will allow you to slow down time and move with better reflexes. Traverse as much of the world as possible, while absorbing as much color as you can. Use absorbed colors to purchase upgrades in order to help Pigment achieve his colorful form.
We try to use open source software whenever possible. These are the tools we used to make this game.
- Unity 3D Free
- Monodevelop
- Blender
- Inkscape
- Audacity
- cfxr
- ImageOptim
- SublimeText 2
Our final sounds were all made using a fantastic tool called cfxr, a Mac port of DrPetter's sfxr.
The following sounds are or were at one point in our source code and may be used in the final cut. Thanks to everyone that made their sounds available.
- Military March by zagi2
- CodeRed by Serithi
- CodeGreen by Serithi
- CodeBlue by Serithi
- Robot_Ready by mazk1985
- PowerDown_1 by noirenex
- Electric Drip Drop by NoiseCollector
- Bricks Falling 2 by Benboncan
- Drinking by sagetyrtle
The following music is or was at one point in our source code and may be used in the final cut.
The Factory by multifaros aka boerd
- Press Start 2P
- Bowlby One by Vernon Adams
Deployment Instructions
Here are some instructions on how to load the source and run the game using Unity 3d.
- Clone this repository
- Open the root directory of your cloned repository as the project root
- Open up BuildScene -- this is the scene we built our final cuts from
- Play the game in the Unity game player or build it