

Red Chainer : A deep learning framework

A flexible framework for neural network for Ruby


It ported python's Chainer with Ruby.



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'red-chainer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install red-chainer


Run MNIST example

MNIST sample program is here

# when install Gemfile
$ bundle exec ruby examples/mnist/mnist.rb
# when install yourself
$ ruby examples/mnist/mnist.rb

Run MNIST example with GPU

On GPU machine, add gem 'cumo' on Gemfile.local and do bundle install.

Run the example with --gpu option whose value indicates GPU device ID such as:

$ bundle exec ruby examples/mnist/mnist.rb --gpu 0


Run tests

$ bundle exec ruby test/run_test.rb

Run tests with Cumo

On GPU machine, add gem 'cumo' on Gemfile.local and do bundle install.

Run tests with RED_CHAINER_GPU environment variable whose value indicates GPU device ID such as:

$ bundle exec env RED_CHAINER_GPU=0 ruby test/run_test.rb


The MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.

Red Chainer implementation status

Chainer 2.0<br>(Initial ported version)Red Chainer (0.3.1)example
activation155LogSoftmax, ReLU, LeakyReLU, Sigmoid, Tanh
loss172SoftMax, MeanSquaredError
optimizer92Adam, MomentumSGDRule
connection122Linear, Convolution2D
pooling143Pooling2D, MaxPooling2D, AveragePooling2D
example313MNIST, Iris, CIFAR
GPUuse CuPyuse Cumo