

RealWorld Example App

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Golang/Gin/Slowpoke codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.

This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with Golang/Gin including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.

This app use slowpoke as database. Package slowpoke implements a low-level key/value store in pure Go.


Read it

don't use this code in production I just ported this project https://github.com/gothinkster/golang-gin-realworld-example-app from sqlite to my database - but i don't do any code review

My app, as this app - absolutely ugly. It does tons of database requests on each web request That's a terrible part of code what i don't fix, sorry for that.. I feel shame I just learned golang on this project.

I fixed it and write high load optimized code in another project, similar to real world - https://github.com/recoilme/tgram

How it works

├── gorm.db
├── hello.go
├── common
│   ├── utils.go        //small tools function
│   └── database.go     //DB connect manager
└── users
    ├── models.go       //data models define & DB operation
    ├── serializers.go  //response computing & format
    ├── routers.go      //business logic & router binding
    ├── middlewares.go  //put the before & after logic of handle request
    └── validators.go   //form/json checker

Getting started

Install the Golang


Environment Config

make sure your ~/.*shrc have those varible:

➜  echo $GOPATH
➜  echo $GOROOT
➜  echo $PATH

Install Govendor & Fresh

I used Govendor manage the package, and Fresh can help build without reload



go get -u github.com/kardianos/govendor
go get -u github.com/pilu/fresh


➜  govendor sync
➜  govendor add +external
➜  fresh


➜  go test -v ./... -cover
