

Discover Flask

Full Stack Web Development with Flask.


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Flask is a micro web framework powered by Python. Its API is fairly small, making it easy to learn and simple to use. But don't let this fool you, as it's powerful enough to support enterprise-level applications handling large amounts of traffic. You can start small with an app contained entirely in one file, then slowly scale up to multiple files and folders in a well-structured manner as your site becomes more and more complex.


Please note: This is a tutorial series, which is still in progress. The source code is not meant to be used until the end of the series.


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PartTitleGit Tag
1Setting Up a Static Site (blog post)part1
2Creating a login page (blog post)part2
3User Authenticationpart3
4Template Inheritancepart4
6List ComprehensionsN/A
7Unit Testspart7
8Deploying to Herokupart8
11Secret Keypart11
12Heroku Configuration Settingspart12
13Heroku Postgres Setuppart13
14Local PostgreSQL Setuppart14
15Managing Database Migrationspart15
16Database Downgrades with Flask-Migrate/Alembicpart16
18Password Hashingpart18
20Blueprints Reduxpart20
21User Authentication (part 2)part21
22Unit Testing with Flask-Testingpart22
23Session Management with Flask-Loginpart23
24Testing User Login and Logoutpart24
25User Registration (functionality and unit tests)part25
26Finalize Messaging Systempart26
27Test Coverage with coverage.pypart27
28Flask Testing!part28
29Flask Testing (increase test coverage)part29
30Continuous Integrationpart30

You can view the entire video playlist here.
