Realm-Kotlin Samples
This repository contains a set of projects to help you learn about using Realm-Kotlin SDK Each sample demonstrates different use cases.
💻 Requirements
To try out these sample apps, clone the repository then import each project as an existing Android Studio project.
Samples are based on Kotlin 1.8.20
🧬 Samples
Project | ||
Intro: <br> This is a simple example based on the official KMM Sample | <img src="./Intro/Screenshots/Android/Home.png" width="400"> | <img src="./Intro/Screenshots/iOS/Home.png" width="400"> |
Bookshelf: <br> A more elaborate example using a shared business logic in Ktor, Kotlinx.Serialization and Realm, combined with a platform specific UI using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI | <img src="./Bookshelf/Screenshots/Android/Results.png" width="400"> | <img src="./Bookshelf/Screenshots/iOS/Search.png" width="400"> |
Kotlin Multiplatform Demo: <br> Kotlin Multiplatform demo running on Android/iOS/macOS and JVM with Compose Desktop. | <img src="./MultiplatformDemo/Screenshots/Android.png" width="400"> <img src="./MultiplatformDemo/Screenshots/JVM.png" width="400"> | <img src="./MultiplatformDemo/Screenshots/iOS.png" width="400"> <img src="./MultiplatformDemo/Screenshots/macOS.png" width="400"> |
JVM Console Application: <br> Simple Java Console Application using Realm-Kotlin. | <img src="./JVMConsole/Screenshots/Console.png" width="600"> | |
App Services usage samples: <br> Atlas App Services usage samples with Realm-Kotlin. | <img src="./AppServicesUsageSamples/Screenshots/screenshot-appservices.png" width="600"> | |
Java-Kotlin-Maven Interop Demo: <br> Sample project showing how Realm Kotlin can be consumed by a Java project using Maven. | <img src="./JavaKotlinMavenInterop/Screenshots/java-kotlin-maven-interop.png" width="600"> |
External Project | |||
FantasyPremierLeague: <br> Kotlin Multiplatform project with Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI by @joreilly | <img src="" width="300"> | <img src="" width="300"> | <img width="500" alt="Screenshot 2021-10-22 at 10 59 37" src=""> |