

NOTE - This tool is now deprecated!

Our future development efforts will go into the new cross platform Realm Studio, now available for Mac, Linux and Windows users! You can download it from the Realm website. Should you have any feedback or issues, please create issues in the Realm Object Server repo.

Realm Browser

Realm Browser is a small utility for Mac OS X that lets you open .realm files to view and modify their contents.

Realm Browser

Build Status


Mac App Store (Recommended)

Download the app in the Mac App Store.

Manual Build

Download the project, run pod install and build the Realm Browser scheme using Xcode 8.

GitHub Releases

Download the built app in releases.

Homebrew Cask

If you have homebrew installed, simply run brew cask install realm-browser. You may need to run brew cask update if homebrew says realm-browser is not available.

Design Goals

The main design goals of Realm Browser are:


See CONTRIBUTING.md for more details!

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to info@realm.io.


The source code to Realm Browser is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.