


This is an implementation in Play of a number of tools to build a Read-Write-Web server using Play2.x and akka. It is very early stages at present and it implements sketches of the following

This currently works in the TLS branch of the bblfish fork of Play 2.x, which comes with TLS support and a few more patches.

We use Travis CI to verify the build: Build Status

Getting going

 $ git clone git://github.com/stample/rww-play.git 

In the rww-play home directory, run the build bash script. It will download a precompiled tuned version of play, build the application, and run it. (If there is no remotely downloadable version it will build it from source in the Play20 directory.)

$ ./build

Some network config.

Download the JavaScript apps by running

$ ./install-app.sh

To start Play in secure mode with lightweight client certificate verification (for WebID) In file: conf/application.conf set the smtp parameters: host= and user= of your mail provider server.

In file: /etc/hosts add host names for the subdomains you will create, e.g. : jmv.localhost jmv1.localhost jmv2.localhost

Installing RWW apps

The RWW apps are stored in other git repositories. One can run the script ./install-app.sh to install or update the RWW apps that we ship with the platform. Check the script content, it is simply a git clone. ( If installing on a public server make sure the proxy url is set. )


To start Play in secure mode with lightweight client certificate verification (for WebID); that is, a self-signed certificate:

 $ Play20/play
 [RWWeb] $ idea with-sources=yes	// if you want to run intelliJ
 [RWWeb] $ eclipse with-source=true	// if you want to run eclipse Scala IDE
 [RWWeb] $ compile
 [RWWeb] $ ~run -Dhttps.port=8443 -Dhttps.trustStore=noCA -Dakka.loglevel=DEBUG -Dakka.debug.receive=on -Drww.root.container.path=test_ldp 

Then you can direct your browser to: https://localhost:8443/2013/

If you want to have multiple users on your server, it is best to give each user a subdomain for JS security. This can be had by starting the server with the following attributes.

For subdomains on your local machine you will need to edit /etc/hosts for each server. For machines on the web you can just assign all domains to the same ip address.

[RWWeb] $ run -Dhttps.port=8443 -Dhttps.trustStore=noCA -Drww.subdomains=true -Dhttp.hostname=localhost -Drww.subdomains=true -Dsmtp.password=secret

You can the create yourself a subdomain by pointing your browser to the root domain: https://localhost:8443/. This will lead you to the account creation page, which will allow you to create subdomains on your server. An e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address for verification ( but you will be able to find the link in the logs if the e-mail server is not set up).


Further documentation can be found on the rww-play wiki.


Copyright 2013-2014 Henry Story

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.