

Ionic Angular Collect Icons

What is this?

This library is used to uniquely group the ionIcons in a project, and generate for export ionIcons file. In small projects, it is difficult to manage addIcons() of ionIcons each time, so we automated it.

Of course, to maximize bundle size reduction, it is important to load a minimum number of icons at each Component lazy loading. This is a compromise to speed up development.

This project is based ionic-team/ionic-angular-standalone-codemods .


npm install @rdlabo/ionic-angular-collect-icons --save-dev

🤖 Automatic Configuration

npx @rdlabo/ionic-angular-collect-icons --initialize true

📝 Manual Configuration

1. Run the CLI

npx @rdlabo/ionic-angular-collect-icons

This will generate src/use-icons.ts.

2. Import the generated file in your main.ts ( or app.config.ts ) file:

+ import { addIcons } from 'ionicons';
+ import * as allIcons from 'ionicons/icons';
+ import * as useIcons from '../use-icons';

  if (environment.production) {

+  addIcons(environment.production ? useIcons : allIcons);

3. Remove other addIcons calls in class constructor

  @Component(/* ... */)
  export class ExampleComponent {
    constructor() {
-     addIcons(useIcons);


npx @rdlabo/ionic-angular-collect-icons

Let's automate run

It is inefficient to run commands each time before running a production build, so put them in an npm script to automate the process. Example:

  "scripts": {
    "ng": "ng",
    "start": "ng serve",
    "build": "ng build",
+   "prebuild": "npx @rdlabo/ionic-angular-collect-icons",

[!WARNING] This method cannot be used for production builds without using the npm script.


--interactive [boolean]

If you want to set all CLI option using the prompts, set true. This can be used to check only the results in a Dry run. The default is false.

npx @rdlabo/ionic-angular-collect-icons --interactive true

--initialize [boolean]

If you want to initialize addIcons automatically, you can use the --initialize flag. The default is false. The CLI add lines:

+ import { addIcons } from 'ionicons';
+ import * as allIcons from 'ionicons/icons';
+ import * as useIcons from '../use-icons';

  if (environment.production) {

+  addIcons(environment.production ? useIcons : allIcons);

the CLI will add lines at the file that has enableProdMode(). Of course, it can also be set manually.

And remove other addIcons calls in class constructor.

  @Component(/* ... */)
  export class ExampleComponent {
    constructor() {
-     addIcons(useIcons);
npx @rdlabo/ionic-angular-collect-icons --initialize true

--project-path [string]

If you want to specify the path to the project, you can use the --project-path flag. The default is the current directory.

npx @rdlabo/ionic-angular-collect-icons --project-path /path/to/project

Target files are under the src directory from the specified path.

--icon-path [string]

Default create file is (path/to/project +) src/use-icons.ts. If you want to specify the file name, you can use the --icon-path flag.

npx @rdlabo/ionic-angular-collect-icons  --icon-path src/other-use-icons.ts


Yes. Please check this issue: https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-framework/issues/28445#issuecomment-1789028722

You're more than welcome to register them in main.ts or app.component.ts. You can then use them anywhere in your application. However, the initial bundle size may increase because the icons need to be loaded up front.

Unit test at ChromeHeadless don't read main.ts. So, you need to add addIcons in each test, or add addIcons in src/test.ts.

No, and we do not plan to support this program. For example, this kind of code is difficult to follow until it is displayed.

  selector: "app-example",
  template: ` <ion-icon [name]="iconName"></ion-icon> `,
export class ExampleComponent {
  iconName = "add";

  ionViewWillEnter() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.iconName = "remove";
    }, 1000);

If you are doing this kind of complex processing, please import manually.

Alternatively, if you have a limited number of icons you're binding to, you can add a block in your template as a "hint."

<!-- This is a trick to get ionic-angular-collect-icons
     to include the icons, but it will never render. -->
@if(false) {
<ion-icon name="home"></ion-icon>
<ion-icon name="people"></ion-icon>

It's not ideal, but it will help to maintain the automation.

This is to minimize diffs by libraries. I did not like to have every component change on every run. I wanted to keep the diff as small as possible.


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run pnpm install to install dependencies
  3. Run pnpm run dev to start the dev server, this will watch for changes and rebuild the project
  4. Run pnpm run start --filter=cli to start the CLI and test the code mods


This project uses Vitest for unit testing.

pnpm run testRun all tests
pnpm run test:watchRun all tests in watch mode


This project uses Prettier for code formatting.

Run pnpm run format to format all files in the project.

Additional Resources