

#ecsv 0.3

2011 (c) Nicolas R Dufour nicolas.dufour@nemoworld.info

ecsv is a simple Erlang CSV parser able to read a file or string and sending back to an erlang process events when a line is parsed.

ecsv is under MIT. See NOTICE file for more details.



Ecsv is using a stateful parser in which you have to:

##How to use it

Create a function that will accept 2 arguments:

Example: how to count the lines:

MyFun = fun(_NewLine, Counter) ->
    % NewLine contains an array of strings
    Counter + 1.

Then call ecsv with the default state set to 0:

{ok, IoDevice} = file:open("/path/to/my.csv", [read]),
{ok, FinalCounter} = ecsv:process_csv_file_with(IoDevice, MyFun, 0)

FinalCounter will have the number of parsed lines.

Take a look at the examples in the directory examples. A basic benchmark accepting one argument as the csv filename will parse it and display the number of parsed lines.


This parser is based on the blog post written by Andy Till located here http://andrewtill.blogspot.com/2009/12/erlang-csv-parser.html.

This parser supports well formed csv files which are


2,"Supply and use",9,"Barley",1,0.800,"United States",1,"Barley",34,"Imports, trade year",7,"1,000 metric tons",1960,3,"Annual",114,"MY Oct-Sep",248
2,"Supply and use",9,"Barley",1,0.800,"United States",1,"Barley",34,"Imports, trade year",7,"1,000 metric tons",1961,3,"Annual",114,"MY Oct-Sep",326

Please note: