


Command to reset stow directory, especially for the case in which the package installs symbolic links.


On Mac, you can install scripts by Homebrew:

$ brew tap rcmdnk/rcmdnkpac
$ brew install stow_reset

If you have brew-file, add following lines to Brewfile:

tap 'rcmdnk/rcmdnkpac'
brew 'stow_reset'

then, do:

$ brew file install

Or if you write like:

tapall 'rcmdnk/rcmdnkpac'

and do brew file install, you will have all useful scripts in rcmdnkpac.

You can also use an install script on the web like:

$ curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/rcmdnk/stow_reset/install/install.sh| sh

This will install scripts to /usr/bin and you may be asked root password.

If you want to install other directory, do like:

$ curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/rcmdnk/stow_reset/install/install.sh|  prefix=~/usr/local/ sh

Or, simply download scripts and set where you like.


stow_reset [-nh] [-d <stow dir>] [-t <target dir>] package

      -d <stow dir>    Set stow dir to DIR (default is current dir)
      -t <target dir>  Set target to DIR (default is parent of stow dir)
      -n               Do not actually make any filesystem changes
      -h               Print Help (this message) and exit
