


File explorer with preview, made with shell script.



On Mac, you can install the script by Homebrew:

$ brew install rcmdnk/rcmdnkpac/shell-explorer

You can also use an install script on the web like:

$ curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/rcmdnk/shell-explorer/install/install.sh| sh

This will install scripts to /usr/bin and you may be asked root password.

If you want to install other directory, do like:

$ curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/rcmdnk/shell-explorer/install/install.sh|  prefix=~/usr/local/ sh

Or, simply download the script and set where you like.

:warning: Install sentaku, too if you download directly.


Start shell-explorer

Explore current directory:

$ se

Start from given directory:

$ se $HOME/my_dir/

Give the list from stdin:

$ echo file1 file2 file3|se

Show the content of the file in the right (give -r if SENTAKU_CONTENT_SHOW is set to other than 1.):

$ se


Show the content of the file under the list:

$ se -u


If you don't want to show preview, use -n.


$ se -h

Usage: ex_explorer.sh [directory] [-aruvC]

   -a         Show hidden files/directories.
   -r         Show file content in the right.
   -u         Show file content under the list.
   -d         Show contents of the directory.
   -D         Do not show contents of the directory.
   -n         No preview.
   -C         No confirmation at deletion.
   -h         print this help and exit.

Usage during explorer

n(any number)Set number. Multi-digit can be used (13, 320, etc...). Used/reset by other key.
k/j, C-p/C-nUp/Down (if n is given, n-th up/n-th down).
gg/GGo to top/bottom. (If n is given, move to n-th candidate.)
C-a/C-eGo to the beggining/end.
C-u/C-dHalf page down/Half page down.
C-b/C-fPage up/Page down.
M-v/C-vPage up/Page down.
C-i/C-oMove the item up/down.
q, C-xQuit.
SpaceSelect/unselect current line for multi-selection. At Emacs mode or search mode in Vim mode, it selects when space is pushed twice.
C-sStart/Stop Visual mode (multi-selection).
vVisual mode.
EscAt search mode, first Esc takes it back to normal mode with selected words. Second Esc clear search mode. Visual mode is cleared by first Esc.
lShow contents of selected files with $VISUAL (or less).
eEdit selected files with $EDITOR (or vi).
sShow details of selected items with ls -l.
dDelete selected items.
pExit and print selected items' full paths.
cChange to a directory under the cursor. (No action for a file.)
EnterIf an item under the cursor is a directory, move to it. Otherwise same as l.

Environment Variables

SENTAKU_CONTENT_SHOW0: No preview, 1: Preview in the right (-r), 2: Preview under the list (-u)1
SENTAKU_SHOW_DIRECTORY_CONTENT0: No preview for a directory. 1: Show directory content as preview.1
SENTAKU_FILE_CONTENT_LINESNumber of lines of content to be shown. (Only for -u mode)10
SENTAKU_EDITOREditor to be used by e.$EDITOR (or vi if $EDITOR is not set)
SENTAKU_VISUALAPPViewer to be used by l$VISUAL (or less if $VISUAL is not set)
SENTAKU_CONFIRMIf 1, se will ask a confirmation at deletion.1
SENTAKU_START_DIR=Starting directory in case of no files/directories inputs.Current direcotry (.)