


Parser of plist in OS X.


By install script:

$ curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/rcmdnk/parse-plist/install/install.sh |sh

This installs Homebrew if it has not been installed, too.

By Homebrew:

$ brew install rcmdnk/rcmdnkpac/parse-plist

Or download bin/parse-plist and put it in anywhere under PATH (e.g. ~/usr/bin/)


By default, parse-plist converts all plist to defaults commands:

$ parse-plist
defaults write "com.adobe.air.ApplicationInstaller" "NSNavLastRootDirectory" -string "~/Applications"
defaults write "com.adobe.air.ApplicationInstaller" "NSNavPanelExpandedSizeForOpenMode" -string "{1680, 1023}"
defaults write "com.apple.ActivityMonitor" "OpenMainWindow" -bool False
defaults write "com.apple.ActivityMonitor" "ShowCategory" -int 100

You can specify a plist file or a xml file of plist:

$ parse-plist com.apple.dock
defaults write "com.apple.dock" "orientation" -string "bottom"
defaults write "com.apple.dock" "showMissionControlGestureEnabled" -bool True
defaults write "com.apple.dock" "autohide" -bool True

JSON output is available, too:

$ parse-plist com.apple.dock --out json
  "com.apple.dock": {
    "showDesktopGestureEnabled": false,
    "loc": "ja_JP",
    "dashboard-in-overlay": true,


$ ./bin/parse-plist -h
usage: parse-plist [-h] [--date] [--data] [--dict] [--array] [--all] [--user]
                   [--system] [-o OUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --date             Enable "date" output.
  --data             Enable "data" output.
  --dict             Enable "dict" output.
  --array            Enable "array" output.
  --all              Enable all outputs.
  --user             Check user settings.
  --system           Check system settings.
  -o OUT, --out OUT  Set output format (defaults commands or json format).
                     Default is cmd. Use json/dict/dic for json format. Others
                     for the command list.