


Wrapper for macOS's open command to open folder in new tab of Finder instead of new window.


After macOS Sierra, you don't need this script to open with new tab.

In Sierra, you can find Prefer tabs when opening documents setting in Dock of System Preferences.

To open in new tab, set it Always.

macOS Sierra: Open folders in new Finder tabs or windows


On Mac, you can install scripts by Homebrew:

$ brew tap rcmdnk/rcmdnkpac/open_newtab

If you have brew-file, add following lines to Brewfile:

tap 'rcmdnk/rcmdnkpac'
brew 'open_newtab'

then, do:

$ brew file install

Or if you write like:

tapall 'rcmdnk/rcmdnkpac'

and do brew file install, you will have all useful scripts in rcmdnkpac.

Or, simply download the script and set where you like.


open_newtab is wrapper script for open command and the usage is exactly same as open.

To make it easy, use alias:

alias open=open_newtab

in your .bashrc or .zshrc.