

CoreBook X OpenCore

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I do not take any responsibility if you damage your devices.

The use of this material is not recommended, the procedure to be followed would be that reported in the Dortania guide with your files.

November 2021

Device is now 99% working!


Not working:



First Boot

The serial number provided is random generated.

For VoodooI2CHID:

  1. 'Right Mouse Click on Kext -> Show Package Contents -> Contents -> info.plist'

  2. Open it with xCode and change IOClass and Name like the image provided.<br/> VoodooI2CHID


Acidanthera for OpenCore, and all the public kexts. License

OpenIntelWireless for Intel Wifi and Bluetooth support. License

Rehabman for ACPIPoller and a way to let me fix LID and AC detection.

And Me rboldini for EC mapping, SSDT-BATT and SSDT-LID-AC coding.