

Sample project

Simple example project that uses the Framework as submodule.

It is automatically deployed to itch.io and it can be played in browser.

TODO: Expand this page and the sample.

Building the Sample

Checkout and build this project like any other CMake project.

Make sure that checked out rbfx folder is next to the folder of this repository (sample-project or however you call it).

If you want to keep rbfx folder somewhere else, you will have to tweak ../rbfx paths in ./CMakeLists.txt.

Check out Scripts/ folder and .github/workflows/deploy.yml to see how this sample can be built.

Running the Sample

Run Editor:

  1. Launch Editor.exe;

  2. Open sample-project/Project folder;

  3. Open Scenes/Scene.xml in Editor;

  4. Press Ctrl+P to play the sample.

Run Player:

Launch Player.exe

Portability of Resource Access

The engine needs to somehow locate project resources on launch.

By default, the engine attempts to find Data, Cache and CoreData folders next to the executable. However, this behavior may be inconvenient during development:

This issue can be mitigated by having ResourceRoot.ini file. See the comments in ResourceRoot.ini file in this repository for details.