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Extends Swashbuckle with OData v4 support! Supports both WebApi and OData controllers!

Getting Started

Install Swashbuckle

Install the Swashbuckle.OData NuGet package:

Install-Package Swashbuckle.OData

In SwaggerConfig configure the custom provider:

c.CustomProvider(defaultProvider => new ODataSwaggerProvider(defaultProvider, c, GlobalConfiguration.Configuration));

Include Navigation Properties in your entity swagger models

By default, OData does not get related entities unless you specify $expand on a navigation property. Swashbuckle.OData tries to accurately reflect this behavior and therefore, by default, does not include navigation properties in your entity swagger models. You can override this though by specifying:

c.CustomProvider(defaultProvider => new ODataSwaggerProvider(defaultProvider, c, GlobalConfiguration.Configuration).Configure(odataConfig =>

Enable caching of swagger requests

To enable the built-in cache functionality you must set this configuration:

c.CustomProvider(defaultProvider => new ODataSwaggerProvider(defaultProvider, c, GlobalConfiguration.Configuration).Configure(odataConfig =>
                        // Enable Cache for swagger doc requests

Assemblies Resolver dependency injection for OData Models

Configuration example to inject your own IAssembliesResolver instead of using DefaultAssembliesResolver:

c.CustomProvider(defaultProvider => new ODataSwaggerProvider(defaultProvider, c, GlobalConfiguration.Configuration).Configure(odataConfig =>
                        //Set custom AssembliesResolver
                        odataConfig.SetAssembliesResolver(new CustomAssembliesResolver());

Custom Swagger Routes

The following snippet demonstrates how to configure a custom swagger route such that it will appear in the Swagger UI:

// Let's say you map a custom OData route that doesn't follow the OData conventions 
// and where the target controller action doesn't have an [ODataRoute] attribute
var customODataRoute = config.MapODataServiceRoute("CustomODataRoute", ODataRoutePrefix, GetModel(), batchHandler: null, pathHandler: new DefaultODataPathHandler(), routingConventions: myCustomConventions);

// Then describe your route to Swashbuckle.OData so that it will appear in the Swagger UI
config.AddCustomSwaggerRoute(customODataRoute, "/Customers({Id})/Orders")
    // The name of the parameter as it appears in the path
    // The name of the parameter as it appears in the controller action

The above route resolves to an OrdersController (the last path segment defining the controller) and hits the Post action:

public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Post([FromODataUri] int customerId, Order order)

Custom property resolver

The following snippet demonstrates how to configure a custom property resolver, which resolves a schema's property name, instead of using a DataMemberAttribute:

c.CustomProvider(defaultProvider => new ODataSwaggerProvider(defaultProvider, c, GlobalConfiguration.Configuration).Configure(odataConfig =>
                        //Set custom ProperyResolver
                        odataConfig.SetProperyResolver(new DefaultProperyResolver());


By default, Swashbuckle.OData only displays RESTier routes for top-level entity types. You can describe and display additional routes, for related types, in the Swagger UI by configuring custom swagger routes. For example from the Northwind model, to display a route that queries an Order (a related type) for a Customer (a top-level entity type), configure the following:

var restierRoute = await config.MapRestierRoute<DbApi<NorthwindContext>>("RESTierRoute", "restier", new RestierBatchHandler(server));

config.AddCustomSwaggerRoute(restierRoute, "/Customers({CustomerId})/Orders({OrderId})")

Route prefixes that have parameters

The follow snippet demonstrates how to configure route prefixes that have parameters:

// For example, if you have a route prefix with a parameter "tenantId" of type long
var odataRoute = config.MapODataServiceRoute("odata", "odata/{tenantId}", builder.GetEdmModel());

// Then add the following route constraint so that Swashbuckle.OData knows the parameter type.
// If you don't add this line then the parameter will be assumed to be of type string.
odataRoute.Constraints.Add("tenantId", new LongRouteConstraint());

Swashbuckle.OData supports the following route constraints:

Parameter TypeRoute Constraint


If your service is hosted using OWIN middleware, configure the custom provider as follows:

    .EnableSwagger(c =>
        // Use "SingleApiVersion" to describe a single version API. Swagger 2.0 includes an "Info" object to
        // hold additional metadata for an API. Version and title are required but you can also provide
        // additional fields by chaining methods off SingleApiVersion.
        c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "A title for your API");

        // Wrap the default SwaggerGenerator with additional behavior (e.g. caching) or provide an
        // alternative implementation for ISwaggerProvider with the CustomProvider option.
        c.CustomProvider(defaultProvider => new ODataSwaggerProvider(defaultProvider, c, httpConfiguration));


You'll need:

  1. Visual Studio 2015
  2. Code Contracts
  3. NuGet Package Project to generate the NuGet package.

If you submit an enhancement or bug fix, please include a unit test similar to this that verifies the change. Let's shoot for 100% unit test coverage of the code base.