Towards Spatio-Temporal Aware Traffic Time Series Forecasting
This is a PyTorch implementation of ST-WA in the following paper:
Razvan-Gabriel Cirstea, Tung Kieu, Chenjuan Guo, Shirui Pan, Bin Yang. Towards Spatio-Temporal Aware Traffic Time Series Forecasting.
- torch
- scipy>=0.19.0
- numpy>=1.12.1
- pandas>=0.19.2
- pyyaml
- statsmodels
- torch
- tables
- future
Dependency can be installed using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Data Preparation
The traffic data files are vailable here.
Run the Model
To train the model on different datasets just use the command:
By default it will run the experiments on PEMS4 dataset. To select another dataset open and modify DATASET = 'PEMSX' where X is one of the datasets [3,4,7,8].
The configurations file are located in the config directory. For changing any of the hyper-parameters modify the conf file associated with the dataset and rerun the above command.